74+ Tips How To Avoid Cooking On Sabbath

Compilation of Tips how people / organizations have (in different degrees) avoided cooking on Sabbath.  The goal is that these tips can help encourage people to fully avoid cooking on Sabbath

1. Universitas Klabat (formerly Mount Klabat College) cafeteria cooks their viand before the Sabbath (according to president, in his presentation, International Student Services Conference 2014 at Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies)

2. Pastor Houtman Sinaga (SSD Associate Ministerial Secretary) agrees with adventist.org (official sda website) tip on Sabbath observance that preparation of food should be done before Sabbath. in his hour of worship message at the 2014 AIIAS Asian Theological Forum.

3. Ms. Habla, a retired teacher of Naga View Adventist College, while spending some time as a missionary cafeteria matron in some island, successfully cooks their food before Sabbath, and storing them in a hole in the ground covered by leaves to be still warm until Sabbath. (source, Mrs. Paez, another retired teacher from NVAC)

4. Vender Saddul's grand parents avoid cooking on Sabbath. of course by cooking ahead of time, during friday - preparation day.

5. In our house, my mother, cooks most of the food before Sabbath.

6. Cafeteria in unspecified Adventist Institution says they can avoid cooking on Sabbath if cold storage is sufficient.

7. LIGHT missionary, Jacob Bayona, says they have avoided cooking on Sabbath by eating bread, fruits, and granolas during Sabbath.  Also says that food cooked on friday will spoil on sunday.

8. Layman & Elder Jun Lumingkit of Puting Kahoy SDA Church, says that they have succeeded avoiding cooking on Sabbath in their province by placing kaldero in dayami on friday and it will still be warm the next day.  He also says sawdust can be used.  and mixing salt with dayami (rice straw) for thermal insulation.

9. How to approach it: It's basically a matter of cooking ahead and keeping things warm, either by using a blech (cover for the stovetop) or by using a slow cooker. Water is kept hot using an urn that is plugged in before Shabbat. To properly keep this important aspect of Shabbat, careful study is required. (http://www.aish.com/sh/l/48971331.html)

10. Dan Dizon and family, prepares all food friday, and finds it a blessing.

11. Jerry Gonzales Tulod, says fasting (no need to cook).

11.5. (fasting) I agree and have tried this.  It has another effect for me, God uses me more in His work.  When i was fasting the whole Sabbath for one semester, miraculously God used me as speaker for two evangelistic efforts, was able to help start two new congregations, and helped in evangelistic activities that brought hundreds to the church that year, and my religious (random or planned) speaking appointments were too much.  God even arranged my class schedule for several semesters so i could attend plenty of week of prayers and theological meetings in other sda institutions.  (make sure you are already doing something/many things in ministry before fasting)

12. Ryan James Jimenez says: Let's just eat fresh fruits and veggies on the Sabbath.

13. Mike Jeven Rivera says they also use dayami (palay leaves) around kaldero and wrap it with cloth to keep it warm.  Also they cook viand without sabaw to avoid spoiling.  Also they use special kaldero for Sabbath food (to avoid spoiling).

14. Joy O. says if cooking for many people, a ref is needed, so the food will not spoil.

15. In many churches, they also avoid washing dishes by using wax paper or paper plates or disposable paper plates.

16. In one church which has a big ministry, i observe that they require trainees to wash their own utensils.  My interpretation is maybe to avoid "washing dishes", at least they only "wash a dish" and not "dishes".  But disposable wax paper on the plate is better.

17. Charlie Arroz Vidal says, "my father in law did not cook on sabbath almost 28 years na. about 20 percent of our church members practice that." "they have no rice rice cooker  but the food still warm during sabbath. they put the caldero inside the box with rice hull." " labhang. yong lumalabas sa rice mill na balat ng rice."  "ang brother ko they cook rice like ibus we called that in our dialect as puso." "yon ang ginagawa ... how to preserve their foods."

18. one coworker says, she can just prepare camote and other salads or rootcrops on friday and put the food in the refrigerator, and on Sabbath she doesn't need to prepare.  she also says she doesn't need to warm the food since it will become warm by the time they need to eat them at lunch.

19. Elmond Ray Mondigo says:  I remember  back in CVCYC we had miracle of "feeding thousands" because the family cooking for the event wont cook on sabbath. ... They're vegan experienced cook. This is their ministry. .... Villavicencio family. From cagayan de oro city. They also bake vegan bread... Food were cooked on friday stays fresh on saturday right after sunset the food is already spoiled.

20. Michael Caroro says: businessman C... A... is said to not cook and also not bath on Sabbath. a very religious man. he says because of airconditioning, bathing on sabbath is not needed.

Michael Caroro says: wealthy health reformer and businessman T... M.... and family asks driver to fetch food from their vegan restaurant friday afternoon. they put some in the ref, and others not in the ref, depending on the food.  and don't even need to warm it on Sabbath. plus the church they visit also benefit because they bring a lot of food.

22. Pastor & Mrs. Mambu, says the choose food that don't easily spoil, like beans, and others, to cook on friday in the cafeteria.  They don't use cold storage, but choose food that don't need cold storage instead.  In their homes, before there were refrigerators and "keep-warm" rice cookers, they used to cook rice, then wrap it with thick cloth-sack, to keep it warm till the Sabbath.  They also say it is easier to keep food warm these days because of technology and electricity, compared to before.

23. Gandeeswaran Gandhithason, from Sri Lanka, says they do friday cooking instead and will teach me how to do it.

24. Aias Cabaca says, in Angola, cooking on Sabbath is a very strong no-no for adventists.  you really have to hide if you want to do it. if you don't hide, many people will reprove you.

25. My auntie Evelyn Jardinico says, our grandfather avoided cooking rice on sabbath by wrapping the kaldero with newspaper to keep it warm from friday to Sabbath.

26. Reynelyn Valencia, of HCBN, says, "we just cook beans on friday for breakfast and rice.the rice will not easily spoil and also the beans".

27. G. M. says in the church at Pinamalayan, Mindoro, where he works as an evangelist, most if not all of the church avoids cooking on Sabbath.  He told them "we don't need to be offshoots to obey this".

28. K. de Gracia, says one lady evangelist, Jade Hintay, in Central Luzon Conference, successfully avoids cooking on Sabbath by fasting.

29. Mrs. Barro in Buklod Church says they were able to avoid cooking for church fellowship a long time ago, by doing enough preparations.

30. Sister Tania Zaeits, from Kiev, Ukraine, says that most adventists she knows in Ukraine do not cook on Sabbath, and if they know you are giving them food cooked on Sabbath, they will not eat it (egw says "those who employed others to perform them were as guilty as if they had done the work themselves" {DA 204.1}). When she was working up to 6pm daily (including friday), she would cooker her friday and Sabbath food on thursday and put them in the refrigerator.  She further says that Adventist families in Russia and other post-Soviet countries also do the same. "We were taught not to cook on Sabbath when we were converted".

31. Mrs. Keena de Castro, from philippines, says that her grandfather had a rule that no food should be cooked on the Sabbath.  They just lower the fire by reducing the firewood to keep the food warm on the pots.

32. Philippine Youth for Christ 2015 avoided cooking on Sabbath by requesting food caterers to deliver friday night food on friday afternoon, and also meals for Sabbath morning to saturday night were delivered beforehand. though not perfect (some food spoiled, some of delivery was late), improvement still needed.  campers were also obedient and did not cook anything in the camp on sabbath, by cooking the food on friday instead. fasting is better than disobeying. plan for next pyc2016 is to only put on sabbath menu food items that can last three days and contract it to be delivered thursday (so 1 day late will still be safe).

33. Frellyn Franche says fried food usually lasts longer, and food with milk or tomatoes will spoil quicker.

34. Philippine Youth for Christ Bicol 2015 avoided Sabbath cooking by scheduling the camp meeting from sunday thru wednesday.

35. Grocery stores and supermarkets have a "canned vegetables", cereal, and bread sections which contain many items that can last for many months. here are some pictures taken from one supermarket: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153908606351522.1073741831.600051521&type=3
36. Prayer and Fasting ministry, prepares the food on friday, and quickly cooks them after saturday sunset in big caserola and big burner (for speed).

37. Sister Tania Zaeits, from Kiev, Ukraine, says that in the adventist school (Ukrainian Adventist institute http://ugi.edu.ua/) she attended in Ukraine, sabbath cooking was not a question, they just obeyed what was in the Bible as taught when they came to church. The cafeteria was closed on Sabbaths, food was given in packed form friday afternoon. (watch her youtube testimony)

38. Pastor Frederick Paul from India demonstrates how they preserve rice with lemon/calamansi, oil, and salt.  It lasts until sunday.  Ishan says lemon rice is what they prepare when they have to go to a long trip of several days and they want to keep rice good thru the trip.  On the preparation day, rice is cooked normally, then allowed to cool down (allowing to cool down makes rice last longer). pour 2tbsp of pure lemon juice per 3 cups of rice. mix. add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder. add salt as flavor and additional preservative. 


39. Pastor Frederick Paul from India demonstrates how tamarind rice (rice, tamarind paste, oil, salt) is made and lasts even until sunday. 


40. 80+ year old Eliseo Alamag, of Candelaria SDA Church avoids cooking viand during Sabbath by choosing viands w/c don't spoil easily. "Do not put tomatoes", "Fried food lasts for up to four days", "Food with salt lasts longer", "You can keep it warm with a small fire so it will not spoil".

41. Southern Asia Community of AIIAS students and families Jan 27-28 2017 Spiritual Retreat in Royal Duches Resort, Silang, Cavite, under the camp-directorship of Pastor Frederick Paul cooked all camp food on friday and stored them in a chest type freezer and heated just before serving.  The food was abundant and very good.  All food from sunset to sunset were all cooked before the Sabbath.  It even lasted till Saturday night dinner, with plenty more to give away and take home.  The Lord has proved that His laws can be obeyed.

42. from http://www.foodsafety.govt.nz/elibrary/industry/safe_cooling-cooked_rice.htm

What is the issue? 
Cooked rice
Very few people realise that cooked rice can be responsible for their foodborne illness. Rice forms the basis of many ethnic foods and foods containing rice are frequently implicated in food poisoning episodes. It is common for food producers to prepare large quantities of rice a day ahead of use and leave it to cool slowly at room temperature, before heating and serving the next day. Such practices lend themselves to time/temperature abuse due to a slow rate of cooling. Temperature abuse allows pathogenic bacteria to grow, some of which produce toxins. 
What can go wrong?
Uncooked rice frequently contains bacteria called Bacillus cereus. These bacteria can form protective spores that survive the cooking process. If cooled slowly, these spores can germinate, grow and produce an emetic (vomit inducing) toxin. Reheating rice before serving will not inactivate the emetic toxin or kill all the bacterial cells, so the rice may not be safe.
If you consume cooked rice that is contaminated with Bacillus cereus toxin you are likely to experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting within 1 to 6 hours, occasionally followed by diarrhoea within 10-12 hours. The illness is short lived with recovery within 12-24 hours. 
How can I tell if product is contaminated?
There is no way of telling that cooked rice is contaminated. Cooked rice that contains toxin produced by Bacillus cereus will not look, taste or smell off or any different to normal rice. 
What can I do to protect the customer?

  • To ensure that cooked rice is safe for eating, appropriate controls are needed to reduce the risk of illness.
  • If rice is to be cooked in advance, do not cook too much at one time as large amounts take too long to cool.
  • Either, keep cooked rice hot (>60ºC) or cool rice as quickly as possible. Rice will cool more quickly if removed from the hot container and divided into clean shallow containers (<10cm deep) that are kept separate, not stacked. Alternatively, cool in a colander under cold running water.
  • Cover cooked rice and store in a refrigerator (<4ºC)
  • Use a stock rotation system to ensure that the oldest rice is used first (“first in, first out” rule).

43. from http://www.stilltasty.com/articles/view/71
How long does rice last once it is cooked? The shelf life for cooked rice — all varieties, including white, wild, jasmine, basmati, Arborio, brown — is as follows:
• Refrigerator: 4 to 6 days
•          Freezer: 6 months (best quality only — foods kept constantly frozen at 0° F will keep safe indefinitely)
Some tips for storing cooked rice:
-        To maximize the shelf life of cooked rice, refrigerate in covered airtight containers.
-        How long does cooked rice last at room temperature? Bacteria grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F; rice should be discarded if left for more than 2 hours at room temperature.
-        To further extend the shelf life of cooked rice, freeze it; freeze rice in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags.
-        How long does cooked rice last in the freezer for safety purposes? The freezer time shown is for best quality only — foods kept constantly frozen at 0° F will keep safe indefinitely.
-        How to tell if cooked rice is bad? The best way is to smell and look at the cooked rice; discard any rice with an off smell or appearance, do not taste the cooked rice first.
 How to reheat cooked rice:
-        On the stovetop: Add 2 tablespoons of liquid per each cup of cooked rice. Cover and heat about five minutes on top of the stove.
-        In the microwave:  Add 2 tablespoons of liquid per each cup of cooked rice. Microwave on high power — allow about 1 minute for each cup of rice being reheated. To reheat frozen rice: microwave for 2 minutes on high power for each cup of rice.

44. our family is also a witness to God's providence during sabbaths. even if our veggie spaghetti is prepared in the afternoon on Fridays, it never gets spoiled even without refrigeration. we don't really understand why but we know God's hands are in those food. Of course, fruits and fresh veggies are the most efficient food that we can eat during the Sabbath. God bless you and your ministry. Architect Sis. Dheng and Bro. John Palattao.

45. On February 18, 2017, Thonburi Seventh-Day Adventist Church, in Bangkok, Thailand decided not to cook food on Sabbath. Pastor Rolly C. Obedencio preached a sermon on preparation at the hour of worship and led the whole church and the church board decide to resolve a policy that cooking should be done before Sabbath hours, and no more cooking even at church kitchen on Sabbath hours. Here is their temporary web page: https://www.facebook.com/ThonburiSDAChurch/ 

46. Pastor Rolly C. Obedencio says:
 My family's decision  not to cook on Sabbath hours was initially prompted by Southeast Union Mission Shepherdess leader Mrs Liah speaking to a separate meeting with Pastors' wives last weekend's Thailand Adventist Mission's Family Retreat (February 10-13, 2017). After a spirit-filled Sabbath sermon in preparation for Christ's Second Coming, Thonburi SDA Church decided to make a policy not to cook on Sabbath hours without any single doubt and question. Praise God the Holy Spirit for winning our hearts.
47. Pastor Rolly C. Obedencio says:
This is what I (Pastor Rolly C. Obedencio) have just said to the 15 English-speaking pastors of 30 churches (Central Zone 2 of TAM) under my leadership:

My neophyte wife in faith informed me that the pastors' wives last TAM's Family Retreat were instructed by Mrs Liah to prepare and cook food before Friday sunset. So my family right away decided to follow it.

Thonburi SDA Church decided also and made a policy not to cook food on Sabbath hours after carefully studying the Bible passages, SOP, GC stance, testimonials of different churches and schools worldwide following the AIIAS forum in 2014, a 50-year manna in Angola, cooking tips, etc. posted at https://www.facebook.com/sabbathcookingavoidance/?fref=ts

This is a BIG work to do which needs more earnest prayer, careful study, meditation, if possible fasting and humility of hearts to fully grasp the message as we prepare for Jesus' coming.  Be careful not to make this an issue that may cause division in the church. But a Sabbath spirit-filled sermon led my whole church to fully decide without question and doubt. Praise God.

48. September Shiela Burkhardt says
"My husband and I were convicted by the Holy Spirit late last year to prepare our food before Sabbath so we don't have to cook on that special day. Reading God's word and SOP books especially Patriarchs and Prophets and Great Controversy led to this conviction. It's actually doable as long as we commit our desires to follow Him. We'd make double recipe of our traditional pancakes on Fridays so we'll have enough leftovers for Sabbath breakfast. Sometimes we'd granola, too along with some fruits, nuts, and seeds.

As for potluck dishes, we prepare them on Fridays so we'd just have to reheat them on Sabbath.

Not preparing any meal on Sabbath means more time with the Lord and His people. :)"

49. Ruben Gregorio says: "When i was with the Batulayan's.... sir Leomer Batulayan and ma'am Eileen De Sagun Batulayan... we cook all the food for the Sabbath on Friday afternoon and we're using paper plates to avoid washing dishes on Sabbath..."

50. In ASAC (AIIAS Southern Asian Community) Retreat Sep 22-24 2017, all food for 70 people was finished cooking before friday sunset and stored in deep freezers for heating on Sabbath. 70 people fed plus more food given to community outreach in Mango Church behind 1000missionary movement. plus plenty of take home frozen food for AUP students.  God has provided and multiplied the food.

51. from https://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/16872/can-one-preserve-food-by-periodically-heating-it
YES! If food is quickly heated and kept above 140F/60C, microorganisms can't grow in the food. Professional kitchens use steam tables to keep food warm at this temperature throughout a day's service. If the product is cooled quickly (generally using an ice bath), then it can be used for more than one day.
Another approach is often used for stocks and soups: heat them to 165F/75C daily or every two days, to kill microorganisms, then cool them quickly with an ice bath to under 40F/5C. This can be done 2-3 times to extend the fridge life of the product.
The most important part of both approaches is to use a food thermometer to verify that food is fully heated/cooled, and to make sure that heating and cooling is done QUICKLY. For food safety, you do not want food to be in the 40F/5C to 140F/60C range for more than an hour if possible, or two hours tops.
Another trick to extend the fridge life of food is to immediately transfer it from a still-hot pot to a cool container, and then leave the top of the container open to allow steam to escape. This greatly reduces cooling time; even in a refrigerator, a sealed container may take over an hour to cool down to a safe temperature.
52. steam tables

53. for multiple trays enclosed with electric heating where temperature can be set

54. for non-steamed but sealed portability and batch-by-batch opening.  because opening large heaters will drop the temperature for the whole heater.  smaller portable electric heaters are more suited for 24-hour safe storage.

55. calamansi rice.

"Citric acid preserves food longer than the average shelf life. It is a natural and organic acid found in especially citrus fruits and vegetables. It has sour flavor,preservative quality and acts as an acidic pH buffer. The acidic pH buffer makes it useful for preserving the foods such as jams,jellies,pickles,canned foods and meat products. Bacteria are unable to grow in acidic environment. Therefore citric acid preserves the food from bacteria and longer the shelf life of the food."
56. use stainless rice cooker, rice will last longer, says Neil Martino of Buenavista SDA Church...

Scalable Affordable Sabbath Food Heaters
concept, parts list & setup, dummy load; thermostat programming, monitoring and going from room temperature to safe temperature; insulation leakage, thermal efficiency; reaching safe temperatures, electrical safety and monitoring, emergency, on-off cycle, concepts motivation, discussion of Bible, SOP, adventist.org official statements, warming vs cooking, comparison with commercial heaters, insulation, comparing rice cookers, steam, opening the hot box, aluminum foil to protect insulator, old refrigerators, cafeterias; effect of opening door, ways to minimize heat loss; safety vs risks in principle and design and electricity. 

58.  David Tan says:

The best way is to cook stew and while it still hot put into airtight container and cover it.   Or leave it in the pot cover while it's very hot,  don't open the lid unless it's time to eat.

The secret is not to let air into the container or pot,  so no germ.

Food must also be salted to kill germs.

Vinegar also kills germ,  but not a good option.

59. Media Team for retread tries to avoid cooking on April 5-6, 2019:

Winelfred Pasamba, Sherlyn Cayetano, Diana Castro, and Leah, a learning media team, tried to help a district of Seventh-day Adventist few churches around Puting Kahoy, Silang, Cavite, under the pastorship of Pastor Lagarile.

We bought vegemeat, vegetapa, and vegeburger from AUP Store and the girls cooked all of it mostly fried.  Rice was cooked in a rice cooker in the van on the way to the venue. (130w rice cooker plugged into a 2000w inverter).  Backup food (in case the cooked food spoiled) was plenty of sachets of cooked green peas and garbanzos, three sugar-free loaves,  1 large pack of cornflakes, Nutribars, banana bread, etc...

Outcome and observations:

    • rice ran out Sabbath morning.  we should have used to bigger rice cooker, maybe for events like this it is better to cook double. because many people have no food.
    • cooked vege-foods should be finished w/in one day. it had molds on sunday morning.
    • tomatoes and salt are nice mix to green peas. 

60. Hartland Institute avoids Sabbath cooking in their school cafeteria by doing the following:
  • cooking everything before Sabbath
  • refrigerating the food in room-size refrigerators
  • heating the food 1 hour before serving
  • preparing simple food only, like nuts for breakfast, fruits for lunch
  • choosing simple food for the Sabbath
  • for Saturday evening, light foods like popcorn
  • serving Sabbath breakfast and lunch together on Sabbath morning to faculty and students in the cafeteria (about 100 students)
as related by Dr. Jeremiah C. Fameronag who spent 4 years in Hartland Institute as a student

61. G. U. says:
  • mom cook and prepare the food on friday, and reheat on sabbath
  • for example like fish, already seasones and grilled. then put sa ref. at sabbath lunch, she will just reheat it for awhile
  • rice already cooked since friday afternoon
  • saturday morning eat bread or cereal/food tht doesnt require cooking
  • then at sat night cook as normal
  • but most of the times, sat lunch eat fruits. no need to cook
    strict but not that strict. if mom forgot to cook on friday, then she will cook at saturday but that happens rarely
62. M.N. says in a committee meeting on Jan 21, 2020, when when they were young their parents cooks everything on friday, and that now we are forgetting it. She says, they used to put their food inside boxes filled with rice husks/hulls.

63. Mrs Haniel, giving testimony in Biga SDA Church on afternoon of Jan 25, 2020, says that she now to cooks all Sabbath food on friday and she finds it a blessing. Along with the other young lady in her house.

64. Ma'am Myrna Payoyo says: "U prepare foods that dont easily spoil then i ref.  Then i reheat po kung hindi sanay.  Fruits n bread. At saka ipag pray po tlga."  Accordig to Sherwin Serona, the 20 boarders in her house also cook before the sabbath.

65. Meals-Ready-To-Eat (MRE). Military food. Emergency Food. Survival Food.  These last 5 years to 30 years but are about 5x to 10x more expensive.  Food used by military operations.  Also food used in International Space Station and other space missions.  The food in ISS is freeze-dried (quick freezed to -50c to -80c then vacuumed at 0c for several days and pack in vacuum sealed plastic) then can be rehydrated to almost original texture/structure and taste even after several months/years in room temperature.

66. Retort Food Processing.
67. Federici, E., Gentilucci, V., Bernini, V. et al. Ready to eat shelf-stable brown rice in pouches: effect of moisture content on product’s quality and stability. Eur Food Res Technol 247, 2677–2685 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-021-03790-2 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-021-03790-2

70. NemMalou says, "We feed more or less 300 people every Sabbath after worship services here at Ellen G. White Memorial SDA Church.  Last Sabbath was our group’s turn to prepare the food.  We have decided to revolutionize serving the people during Sabbath lunch.  We did serve pure vegan food and cooked/baked on Friday.  Praise God!" NemMalou Enriquez says, "We put them in the refrigerator.  Btw, there’s lots of leftovers.  Some people packed and brought them home. No report of food poisoning.  Praise God!". "We have a commercial food warmer."

71. Compressed biscuits

72. Jeimster Renz Cruzata says in Andrews University the foodservice workers don't like to cook on the Sabbath so they serve only one meal and it is simple things like cake / bread. I found their schedule online and it matches the description. https://bulletin.andrews.edu/content.php?catoid=13&navoid=1954

73. Andrews University serves Sabbath Lunch on Friday 12pm-4pm. 

74. Uncle Rey said the way they preserve mongo with our grandfather was to boil mongo till there is no more water because the mongo lasts longer that way.

999. (please send me your tips to be included here, can remain anonymous if you wish. winelfredpasamba@gmail.com of "Winelfred Pasamba" at facebook)

Sabbath Food / Food that can be cooked before the Sabbath / Food that doesn't spoil quickly even w/o refrigeration


Why Not Cook During Sabbath?http://winelfredpasamba.blogspot.com/2014/09/sabbath-healing-ok-cooking-no-bathing.html

Bible, SOP, adventist.org on Cooking on Sabbath


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