Sabbath: healing-ok, cooking-no, bathing-if-not-sick-of-body-odor

Q: can we take care of the sick during Sabbath?
A: yes because Jesus did and EGW affirms that understanding. but she says that income from healthcare during Sabbath is not ours, but should be used for the needy and other missionary work.

Q: can we cook on Sabbath?
A: bible says no cooking of manna. 
SOP says no cooking on Sabbath. (official sda website) says "buying and preparation of food should be done before Sabbath".
(in the international student services convention at aiias recently) Unklab Universitas (adventist president, PhD New Testament) successfully cooks all their Sabbath viand before friday sunset.
(in the international student services convention at aiias recently) African woman (Student Services, sda school muaklek thailand) questions why asians can't cook their rice friday.
(in the AIIAS Asian Theological Forum recently) SSD Associate Ministerial Director (indonesian) agrees with that food preparation should be done before Sabbath.
the opinion of the effort of starting a fire is well known but not affirmed by the Bible, SOP, nor and contradicted by EGW saying we should warm food on the Sabbath (as the effort of starting a fire is the same with cooking and warming food).
God could have said w/o effort, "let there be food", in the Sabbath, but He didn't, it was there since friday 

Q: how about Ex 12:16 "seventh day none should work except that w/c is for food"?
A: the chapter talks about new year feasts, passover feasts, feasts of unleaven bread, and the days of these feasts (first, 10th, 14th, 7th). wikipedia says there are four permissible days to start a year in Hebrew Calendar (so whatever day was the 7th of the feast was not assured to be the 7th day of the week either).
TIPS How to Avoid Cooking On Sabbath:

Q: can we take bath on Sabbath?
A: Jesus healed blind man and asked him, on the Sabbath, to wash in the pool of Siloam.
John 9:11 "He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight." 14 "And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes."A: "I take daily bath" {LT 11, 1902}
A: "The value of the daily bath in promoting health and in stimulating mental action, should be emphasized." {Ed 200}
A: "On Friday I was unable to sit up. Sara gave me a bath in the evening, but I was prostrated during the operation. They say that I fainted in the bathtub. Sara and Maggie carried me into my bedroom, and Sara watched me diligently, fearing that I should fall asleep and never waken again. Sabbath was a curious day for me." {Lt  5, 1905}
A: "But on Sabbath, when I was asked to speak in the large tent here, I said, I will not worry. I will commit my soul and body to God and ask Him to give me distinct utterance. I spoke for one hour and a quarter and was obliged to keep my voice raised in order to be heard in all parts of the tent. But I had not one feeling of weariness from beginning to end of my talk. The Holy Spirit refreshed me, and I was able after speaking and taking my bath to take up my pen and write many pages in my diary." {Lt 306, 1906}
A: "It was Sabbath, but the water tank had to be heated; and about noon I took a hot bath, and then returned to bed. This seemed to do me some good; but it was a long time before I felt quite natural. I lay down most of the day." {Lt 26, 1909}
A: if you are SICK of body odor. (remember EGW says we should do all things to make the sick comfortable). body odor is a widespread sickness in this degraded world, moses had to instruct israelites to bath before meeting God in sinai (probably it was not so often they did it because the earth was not that dirty), EGW suggests bathing twice a week (there were not that sick and the world was not that polluted).
let us be faithful to our writings

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