Ellen G. White on Joking

Joking 4BC 1141
angels driven from pub. house by 3T 192
angels grieved by EW 111; 6T 173
barrenness of soul a result of 2T 236
belongs to world 3T 241
Christ grieved by FE 457-8
Christ may be denied by 1T 304; 3T 332
Christian recreation is not occasion for 2T 589
class elated by indulging in CH 628
class who find pleasure in 6T 173
foolish, Christianity is above ML 211; MYP 364
not right 7BC 938
God forbids FE 458
God's cause wounded by 1T 133
lay aside ML 196
let not your tongue run at random in SD 180
man reproved for 2T 224
minister inclined to 3T 228
ministers warned against 3T 233; TM 142
ministers', offensive to God Ev 644
stumbling block to sinners Ev 641
publishing house workers should not indulge in 1T 589
seemingly harmless, estrangement of husband and wife by AH 177
soul feeding on, Christ is sickened by FE 457
spirit of, rebuke 1T 413
spiritual growth hindered by 6T 173
time frittered away in 3T 222
unbecoming to Christians 2T 586; 3T 246; 7T 204
unbecoming to minister Ev 206; GW 205; 1T 380; 3T 238
with unbelievers, cease 4T 245
women warned re 2T 455
youth warned re 1T 505; 2T 180; 3T 222
See also Jesting; Levity

contrary to Christ's words in Matt. 12:36 HP 177:2
dangerous and wounding in marriage HP 204:1
enemy's ground in TDG 10:1
evil of, between men and women TSB 246:2
expected of worldling but not of Christian TMK 307:4
language not to have low, or lightness; (witticism) VSS 163:2
low, in the home, may become second nature 1MCP 156:3
minds engrossed with OHC 79:1
minister ready for, not blessed by the Lord's presence VSS 270:4
put away; it enfeebles the church FW 79:1
Satan can gain access to those who engage in OHC 292:1
shunned, making most of opportunity to witness TMK 158:3
soul purity trifled with by OHC 292:1
Word of God as the subject of SW 51:1
See also Conversation; Foolishness;Penitence; Talk, foolish; Words, idle

Source: EGW CDROM Topical Index
EGW is a Seventh-day Adventist

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