Ellen G. White on Coffee (Seventh-day Adventists)

1. Ill effects of (general)
2. Ill effects of (mental)
3. Ill effects of (moral and spiritual)
4. Ill effects of (physical)
5. Miscellaneous

1. Ill effects of (general) SL 32
advocates of temperance reform should awake to MH 335
aftereffects: exhaustion and prostration CD 421; 2T 65
depression CG 403
paralysis of mental, moral, and physical powers CD 421; CH 441
system's energy left lower than before CD 425
traces of evil left behind MM 228
colporteur should explain CH 463
first, exhilarating MH 326
greater than suspected CD 422
greater than those of tea CD 426
highly injurious 4T 365
hurtful and ruinous CD 421
immediate CG 403; 3T 487
before time for digestion and assimilation MH 326; 2T 65
in degree same as that of tea 2T 65
less harmful than those of tobacco 4aSG 128
not so powerful as those of tobacco CD 426; SL 32
san. patients should be shown CD 444
similar to those of tobacco CD 426; 4aSG 128; SL 32
social entertainments reveal CD 423; Te 79
stimulant CD 63, 420-1; CG 403; MH 326-7, 335; 4aSG 128; 1T 222; 2T 65; 3T 487, 569; Te 74-5
artificial CD 421; Te 72, 228-9
depression follows 3T 487
harmful CH 442; 1T 224; 3T 569
languor and debility follows MH 326
whipping up flagging energies for a time CD 425
tends in same direction as do alcoholic liquor and tobacco MH 335

2. Ill effects of (mental)
brain activity greatly lessened CH 441
brain activity permanently lessened CD 421
brain benumbed 4T 365
brain injured CD 402, 430; CH 463; MM 274
brain irritation MH 326; 2T 65
imagination made more vivid CG 403; MH 326
intellect aroused MH 326
intellect beclouded CD 426; SL 32
more than by tea SL 32
intellect temporarily invigorated CG 403; 3T 487
mental degeneracy CH 49; Te 174
mental development hindered CD 402, 430; MM 274
mental feebleness CD 421-2; CH 441-2
mental power ruined CD 421; MM 222
mind enervated CD 421
mind excited to unwonted action CD 421; CH 441

3. Ill effects of (moral and spiritual)
backsliding Te 80
development of spiritual powers hindered CD 402, 430; MM 274
impatience CD 421-2; CH 442
moral character perniciously influenced CD 63; SL 28
moral power ruined MM 222
sense of sacred things perverted 4aSG 36-7
soul's finer sensibilities benumbed 3SG 116
tongues loosened CD 423; Te 79
worship of God hindered CD 426

4. Ill effects of (physical)
appetite fostered by: for intoxicating liquor 3T 569
for stronger stimulants CD 429-30; Ev 265; FE 144; 3T 563, 569; Te 228-9
for tobacco 3T 569
body organs injured CD 402, 430; MM 274
development of physical powers hindered CD 402, 430; MM 274
digestive organs injured CH 463
disease of every kind CD 421; MM 222
dizziness 4aSG 128-9
dyspepsia CH 111-2
energies benumbed CD 426
more than by tea SL 32
headaches MH 326; 4aSG 128
heart action increased MH 326; 2T 65
heart palpitation MH 326
human system excited 2T 65
human system injured CD 426; CG 403; SL 32; 2T 64
indigestion Ed 203; MH 326
irritability 4aSG 128
life forces worn away CD 421-2; CH 442; MH 326
man's spark of vitality extinguished CD 423
many ills MH 326
nerve irritant CD 421-2; CH 442; MH 326
wearing away life forces CH 442
nerves shattered CD 421-2; CH 442
nerves trembling CD 422
nervous excitement instead of strength CG 403; MH 326
nervous system borrowing power from future resources CG 403
nervous system excited CG 403; 3T 487
to morbid action CD 425
nervousness 4aSG 128
numbness 4aSG 128
physical degeneracy CH 49; Te 174
physical powers ruined MM 222
skin sallow and lifeless in appearance CH 111-2; 2T 65
stomach nerves excited MH 326; 2T 65
stomach ruined CD 411
system given short-lived energy MH 326; 2T 65
trembling MH 326
unnatural appetite 2SM 420
wakefulness MH 326
worse than those of tea 2T 64-5

5. Miscellaneous
arguments against tobacco may be urged against CD 426; SL 32
bear clear testimony against CD 402, 430; MM 274; 7T 134-5
better work can be done without FE 428
burnt, children who craved CD 239
children should not drink 3T 488
craving for, how to overcome MH 335
perverted taste has CH 449
darling luxury 4T 599
do not give, to the sick MM 228
do not serve CD 431
health-destroying beverage CD 431
hurtful indulgence CH 441; 4aSG 36
idol cherished 4aSG 128; 1T 222
Java, sign pledge to abstain from Te 82
live simply without 2SM 291
living on, not health reform CD 105
med. institutions should not serve CD 414
medicinal use of, with raw egg 2SM 302-3
ministers should abstain from 4T 417
money spent for: God's cause needs EW 121-2
Lord's treasury needs 1T 222
while neglecting heart work 4T 391
worse than wasted CD 402, 422, 430; CH 442; MM 274
narcotic CD 63, 281, 402, 430; MM 274; SL 28; 2SM 283
health-destroying CD 490; 2SM 302
never take CD 420-1, 430; MM 274; Te 101
to quench thirst CH 120
no nourishment in Ed 204; MH 326; 2T 65
except milk and sugar CD 425
not wholesome Te 78
pledge to abstain from, sign CH 441; Te 82
physicians should not prescribe, for the sick CD 294
poisons contained in CD 420-1; CG 403; Te 75
nervous system excited by CG 403; 3T 487
poor people should discard 1T 224
refuse to drink Ev 265
remnant church should discard CD 381
safe course is to touch not, taste not, handle not MH 335; 3T 488; Te 94
san. patients who must be served, should receive it in their rooms CD 294
sanitariums should not serve CD 283; MM 284
except in special cases CD 294
sanitariums should teach people to discard CD 281; Te 88-9
Satan uses, to take men captive Ev 529
SDA ask people to discard CD 205; MM 288
SDA bear positive testimony against CD 402, 430; MM 274; 3T 21; 7T 134
SDA who use, health reform made subject of jest by CD 400
slow poison 4aSG 36-7, 128
suddenness of relief obtained from, explained CG 403
supposed to help laborer perform his task CD 339
temperance pledge should embrace CH 442
temptation to use, resist FE 428
unhealthful breakfast including CD 105
unnecessary CD 420-1; Te 75, 78
unnecessary to go to Java for 2SM 301
useless and injurious EW 121-2
wholesome and nutritious diet possible without Ev 534; 9T 112
why strength seems to be increased by MH 326

diet not to include; also tea, tobacco and alcohol LDE 81
extinguishing vitality still left in the race RC 142:4
moderation not recommended for; discard it 3SM 287:2
temperance forfeited by, on spiritual ladder; also tea OHC 69:4
See also Stimulants
Coffee, cereal (caramel)

Source: EGW CDROM Topical Index

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