Ellen G. White and Spices

Spice, Spices, all kinds of, EGW had to dispense with 4aSG 154
arouse animal propensities CH 114
as aid to digestion, erroneous idea re CD 339
blood is fevered by CH 114; MH 325; 4T 141
blood made impure by MH 325
blood-making organs cannot convert, into good blood 2T 383
camp-meeting diet should be free from all 2T 602
children should not use CD 239; 4T 141
children's appetite depraved by CD 239
children's diet should be free from 2SM 471
chow-chow pungent with, nervous girl who liked FE 151
corrupt blood Te 57
destroy: health 2T 367
natural sensitiveness of stomach's tender coating CH 114
diet free from, is blessing 2T 45
diet without, best for persons with diseased livers 2T 67
excites nervous system unduly 4T 141
family that needed to discard, entirely 2T 485
feverish state of system caused by CD 340
fiery: condition of stomach irritated by CD 235-6
create craving for something stronger CD 236
irritate stomach CD 340
keep, out of stomach CD 420
pave way for smoking by children CD 236
flesh food cooked with, makes bad quality of blood 2T 368
food containing: as fiery whip to stomach CD 340
avoid MH 305
blood-making organs cannot convert, into good blood CH 114
corrupts blood Te 57
derange stomach CH 114
encourages appetite for intoxicating liquor CD 340
enfeebles intellect CH 114
excites nerves CH 114
inflames stomach CD 340; Te 57
never load table with CG 405; CT 126
not best for children CD 340
not good for children CD 235; CH 114; 3SG 132
not good for pregnant woman 2T 382
tends to excite animal passions 4aSG 132
food highly seasoned with, too much time spent preparing CH 159; 4aSG 132
food should be free from CD 340
food should be prepared free from Te 157
fruits should be prepared free from 2T 486
gross article of food 4T 141
impatience induced by Te 57
indigestible, children's digestive organs injured by 2SM 427
irritate: stomach MH 325; MM 229; 2SM 291; 2T 367
stomach's delicate lining (coating) CD 340; CH 114
lack of self-control induced by Te 57
lead to use of: tobacco Te 57
wine Te 57
leave stomach weak MM 229; 2SM 291
live simply without using 2SM 291
morals in danger of being affected as result of using 4T 141
nervous debility induced by Te 57
nervous system unduly excited by 4T 141
not good for pregnant woman 2T 383
not proper food for children CD 239; 3T 136; 4T 141
of all kinds, foods should be prepared free from CH 115; Te 157
pave way to stronger stimulants Te 57
positive testimony against, borne by JW and EGW in their work in presenting the health message 3T 21
pungent, as fiery condiments FE 151
rich cakes and pies prepared with any kind of, are not best 2T 400
derange stomach 3T 136
enfeeble intellect 3T 136
excite nerves to unnatural action 3T 136
SDA discard, from principle 2T 367
some SDA use, and make light re health reform subject of jest CD 400
vegetables should be prepared free from 2T 67, 486
weakens moral and intellectual powers CH 114
See also Cinnamon; Condiment; Pepper
Spice, Spices

Source: EGW CDROM Topical Index
Seventh-day Adventists

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