e-bike power

 e-bike maximum power draw 599watts

thanks to sir Joshua Valenzuela for the slomo iphone recording.
the e-bike is my brother's (Windell Shem G. Pasamba) w/c he got online for about $500. i just replaced the old battery with Lifepo4.

how much power from my office to my apartment (.7km), uphill?

starting voltage

arrival voltage
oh i pulled 13A max w/c is about 2.37C of 5500mah

mean voltage

peak watts


Ampere-hours used

charged the battery after one day use w/ no pedaling. from my apartment to my office and back. pure electric, no pedaling.

during start of charging readings

during charging Watts-Peak (Wp)

during charging Ampere-Hours

during charging WH

during charging Mean Voltage

during charging Wp

during charging TE (?)

after charging AH

after charging Ap

after charging Wp

after charging AH

after charging Ap

after charging Vmean

after charging TE (what is TE?)

after charging WH

after charging Vm

after charging Wp
91.6watts / 48v = ~2a. or 0.36C rate max

after charging AH

after charging WH

after charging Ap

after charging Vm

after charging TE

after charging AH

36.8 WH is 
1000WH = 10 to 15 pesos
36.8/1000 * 10 = 0.368 pesos at php10/kwh charging cost
36.8/1000 * 15 = 0.552 pesos at php15/kwh charging cost
0.368 * 30 = 11.04 pesos / month charging cost
0.552 * 30 = 16.56 pesos / month charging cost

Lifepo4 48v 5500mah 16s cost is php120 per cell. php576 for BMS. ~php2500 whole battery pack.
2500/2000cycles = 1.25pesos / charge cycle (estimated 2k cycles) 
2500/600cycles = 4.66 pesos / charge cycle (other estimated cycles, high C rates, high / cold temperature)
2500/8000cycles = 0.3125 / charge cycle (if only 70%-30% used)



Summary: Charging cost for one day of no pedaling is 0.368 to 0.552 pesos, and 11.04 to 16.56 pesos per month.

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