corrections/errata and other views regarding Ron Wyatt discoveries
background: i distributed plenty of dvds with some of ron wyatt's videos (among other videos). and many have reacted to this. here are the collected reactions: 1. it is all wrong. heard this myself from one reknown archeaologist. i think he said that they went to all his claimed-sites and found nothing of any of his claims. i think that's too much, 100% wrong? 2. some are wrong, some are right. from someone who has no way of verifying. 3. he's a good guy but might have had mental aging / problems. 4. gold disappears quickly. comment of some speaker. 5. they're right. only few hold this. ---------- corrections: 1. i misread egw's statement that before the 2nd coming the law of God will be displayed to the whole world. i thought it was the 10 commandments in tablets of stone literally. but upon reading it more carefully, it seems like it was referring to the following of the 10 commandments that would be demonstrated to the whole world. 2. pastor ...