
Showing posts from 2013

corrections/errata and other views regarding Ron Wyatt discoveries

background: i distributed plenty of dvds with some of ron wyatt's videos (among other videos). and many have reacted to this.  here are the collected reactions: 1. it is all wrong. heard this myself from one reknown archeaologist. i think he said that they went to all his claimed-sites and found nothing of any of his claims.  i think that's too much, 100% wrong? 2. some are wrong, some are right. from someone who has no way of verifying. 3. he's a good guy but might have had mental aging / problems. 4. gold disappears quickly. comment of some speaker. 5. they're right. only few hold this. ---------- corrections: 1. i misread egw's statement that before the 2nd coming the law of God will be displayed to the whole world.  i thought it was the 10 commandments in tablets of stone literally.  but upon reading it more carefully, it seems like it was referring to the following of the 10 commandments that would be demonstrated to the whole world. 2. pastor ...

Cooking on Sabbath for Seventh-day Adventists - Bible, EGW/SOP, Church Documents

Cooking on Sabbath for Seventh-day Adventists - Bible, EGW/SOP, Church Documents Bible Manna in Exodus  “Tomorrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord: bake that which ye will bake today, and seethe that ye will seethe ; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.”  16:27 (NIV)  Nevertheless, some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather it, but they found none.   28  Then the  Lord  said to Moses, “ How long will you [ c ]  refuse to keep my commands  and my instructions?   29  Bear in mind that the  Lord  has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days. SOP / EGW Those who neglect to prepare for the Sabbath on the sixth day, and who cook food upon the Sabbath, violate the fourth commandment, and are transgressors of God's law . All who are really anxious to observe the Sabbath according to the commandment, wil...

Prophecy, Freewill/Choice, Foreknowledge, Memory, FPGA, Sin, Influence/force, etc...

student asks if God knows the future how come he allowed people to cause much trouble? i made an initial generalized answer here ( coming from the results/profit side. student comes back and asks if i have another answer. i look up adventistbiblicalresearch for "freewill" and also wikipedia while skimming articles these ideas formed: 1. God knows everything like we know every possible move and result in a tic-tac-toe, yet the player still has choice.  In chess it is more complicated so we don't know all the possible results.  But God has unlimited thinking so he knows all the possible results of all the possible choices. 2. Players have freedom of choice. 3. God knows the future because he can hover over time, he is not limited by time, he is before and after time.  He knows all our future choices.  Example: i tell a student if he doesn't study he will have difficul...

Sabbath School: a Lesson Study or Lesson Review?

Worthy of Long Service The Sabbath school should be a place where the jewels of truth are searched for and rescued from their environment of error, and placed in their true setting in the framework of the gospel. Precious gems of truth, long lost sight of, are now to be restored to the children of God. The themes of justification by faith, the righteousness of Christ, should be presented in our schools, that the youth and children may understand these important subjects, and teachers and scholars may know the way of salvation. Sacred and eternal principles connected with the plan of salvation have long been lost from sight, but they must be restored to their proper place in the plan of salvation, and made to appear in their heavenly light, and penetrate the moral darkness in which the world is enshrouded.  {CSW 12.2}

God's omniscience, Prophecy, Freedom of Choice, Predestination - questions of a Computer Scientist. If God knows everything, how come he allows bad things to happen?

Outline 1. Definitions 2. Theory of words, languages, expressions, ideas, truth, reality 3. Theory of results, hopes, proofs, history, patterns, future, faith 4. Summary Definitions Freedom The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. Choice An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. Theory of words, languages, expressions, ideas, truth, reality Words represent ideas. Words usually have multiple senses (meanings).  Languages are imperfect. Languages are different sets.  Not all languages have accurate mappings of words to other languages, some are missing, some have no equivalent, some are combined, some are ambiguous. Expressions are ideas put in language/words.  Truth is what is.  Reality is what is, also.  Awareness is what we can perceive via sensory (sight, hearing, seeing, etc.) or...

EMI / RF / Shielding Experiments with aluminum screen wire mesh and galvanized steel box

Problem : video switch (ATEM Television Studio failed probably due to rf/emi). hypothesized solution : shield all cables and whole device. findings on cables: all hdmi cables are shielded. i opened all cables from camera manufacturers (panasonic) and also all cables from CDR-King, they all have shields.  some of them also have shields in individual cables, aside from the main foil shielding all cables.  some of them, the long cables, have aluminum shield inside and mesh shield outside. all power cables are not shielded.  including 12v cables, 220v cables, 5v cables. UTP is of course Unshielded.  STP is shielded. need to check USB cables if shielded. (it is shielded) experiment 1 - metal sheet box shield VS wifi: half day of metalwork - not so nice first third is outside metal shield center part is inside shield last third is outside shield experiment 2 - aluminum screen 1 layer VS wifi: aluminum screen rolled (1 layer only) over cellpho...

Gospel in Programming: the way (algorithm), the truth (data), and the life (electricity)

John 14:6 Jesus says "i am the way, the truth, and the life". way - program, algorithm, circuits, etc... truth - data, database, variables, constants, truth tables, etc... life - electricity, running program (process)

Gospel in Computer Science: freedom of choice and hope

the freedom of choice is one of the most difficult to understand to compare to AI. it is like a random function (random in the sense that it is hard to explain) that depends to thousands of variables including previous decisions, genetics, environmental influences, food, age, experiences, PRIDE (lucifer's basis problem), believing half-truth (eve's problem), relationships (or prioritizing relationships over truth, adam's problem), etc... so we are all stuck with a big problem which is SIN. and the ultimate problem w/c sin causes is DEATH. now there is no other known way to come back to life but by God's power.

Computer, Man, God

Computer_Man_God Introduction A computer student, me views the world through the window of computers. (There are many other better views of life.) Birth: When a baby is born, there are builtin functions that he can do. When a computer is brand-new, it has a BIOS (basic input output system). The baby learns through his senses. The computer is enabled to do tasks by teaching it (programming we call it). The baby can sleep & wake up. Computers can be shutdown & be turned on. When humans wake up, it takes time for them to be workable. Computers have a booting(1) process. Our awareness of computer's operations is incomparable to the computer's awareness of our operations. God knows about us more than we know about him.The computer, our creation, is dependent on us. However, we may, at times, make a computer intelligent enough to control itself for some time. However, it will need software updates due to our errors & our development against our errors....

HAARP Conspiracy Theory True? last two paragraphs of the article: ----------------- Ask a HAARP scientist about allegations like this, and he’ll either laugh or lose his temper. “This is completely uninformed,” says Umran Inan, a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University whose research group works with HAARP. “There’s absolutely nothing we can do to disturb the Earth’s [weather] systems. Even though the power HAARP radiates is very large, it’s minuscule compared with the power of a lightning flash—and there are 50 to 100 lightning flashes every second. HAARP’s intensity is very small.” “You hear these people talking about mind control, and it’s just not serious,” Papadopoulos says. So we don’t need tinfoil hats to prevent evil government scientists from controlling our every thought? “We have difficulty measuring the signal. We do experiments all the time up there, and we don’t wear hats.” http...

Threats to the Purity of the Church - [Women Ordination]

Seventh-day Adventists claim to be the pure church because all our doctrines and practices are understood from the Bible.  "Thus saith the Lord" is a requirement.  "It is written" is a must. We also understand that other denominations are impure because they have redefined Sabbath and baptism.  maybe for reasons of convenience or previous unsubstantiated practice they resort to defending their practices instead of going back to the Bible.  So others have the wrong sabbath (spurious sabbath according to egw) and also the wrong mode of baptism.  But adventists are not like them.  In their defense of their practices they call themselves "apostolic church" meaning giving themselves license to redefine things like how apostles added or redefined things in the new testament.  This is very dangerous position. However there seem to be current threats to the purity of the Seventh-day adventist church with regarding to the definitions of women elders and wom...

Response to challenges with understanding the Trinity (a response to anti-trinitarians)

Response to challenges with understanding the Trinity (a response to anti-trinitarians) hello to all,  i've been hearing a lot of commotion about trinity and anti-trinitarian ideas from many in facebook and in real life so here are the points that help me understand the idea: 1. God does not fit in any language or even in all the languages combined.  greek, hebrew, aramaic, english, tagalog and others cannot fully express God, because these are human languages. 2. God does not fit in mathematics.  God is not limited by humanly-known mathematics. 3. Humans have limited capabilities and understanding.  Nobody claims to know everything, therefore nobody can claim total knowledge of a subject. 4. The Bible gives us many clues about God, but it is written in human language, by human penmen. 5. Despite of all of these limitations, there is still no better source of literature about God than the Bible. 6. Debates are mostly definition disputes.  Words ...

Read-ahead buffer - Gospel for Techies

Read-ahead buffer - Gospel for Techies Hello friends, this is Win of Gospel for Techies our idea for today is about Read-Ahead or the read-ahead buffer. Some people are at a disadvantage because they do guesswork. Guesswork which could have been done more properly if they actually just took PRIOR time to read. Or Read-Ahead. Manuals are there, API documentations, examples, books, and all sorts of material or literature about some product, some process, some interface, some hardware, some abstraction, some design, some theory, or some other kind of thing... on the gospel side, the bible is our manual for user, it is the API of life for programmers, and the manpages for sysads, the protocol for network people, and the RFC or standard or spec for most other things. Reading ahead gives us advantage so we don't cram. Bible ideas are an advantage if they are in our cached memory compared to being back there in disk or in optical or worse in the ...

Questions on Adventists, Life Insurance, Ellen G. White, and Biblical Research Document about Insurance

update below... ----------- original artile -------------------- Ellen G. White strongly discourages Life Insurance.  BRI seem to refutes it or tries to neutralize some points. publication.php?pubtype=Book& bookCode=1T&lang=en& collection=2&section=all& pagenumber=549&QUERY=1t+549 Question 1: Does means invested in insurance go to enemy ranks instead of gospel work? (not addressed by BRI aritcle.). Tip 1: maybe, specially if the insurer is not adventist, or the insurer reinsures itself or the policies (back insuring) to non-sda institutions. Question 2: (BRI article assumes financial workings of life insurance companies are better today). Does EGW's comment still matter now? Tip 2: type "insurance fiascos" in google. Com...