Computer, Man, God


 A computer student, me views the world through the window of
computers.  (There are many other better views of life.)

 When a baby is born, there are builtin functions that he can do.  
When a computer is brand-new, it has a BIOS (basic input output system).
The baby learns through his senses.  The computer is enabled to do tasks by 
teaching it (programming we call it).  The baby can sleep & wake up.  
Computers can be shutdown & be turned on. When humans wake up, it takes time 
for them to be workable. Computers have a booting(1) process.
Our awareness of computer's operations is incomparable to the computer's 
awareness of our operations.  
God knows about us more than we know about him.The computer, our 
creation, is dependent on
us.  However, we may, at times, make a computer intelligent enough to
control itself for some time.  However, it will need software updates due to
our errors & our development against our errors.  Therefore needing us from
time to time.  Now, will the computer blame the programmer for the bugs(2)? 
Or, will we blame God for errors? God
created us with maybe as big a difference in intelligence to him as computers 
to humans are, generally.  We are as dumb as our computers compared to us,
as we compared to God.  In fact, I don't know what i am saying like a
computer doesn't know how to describe a human.

 "Let us create man in our own image." (somewhere in Genesis) God 
wanted someone/something to be like him.  We want to make the computer like
us, therefore Artificial Intelligence.
 (The problem in AI is that we are trying to emulate an erroneous
model -- humans.  Humans are far from their original perfect state.  We in
AI are like buggy computers trying to make another computer.  {A wretched
compiler(8) can't make anything better than itself.}  Think.  We should create
something better that us.  How do we create something generally wholly
better than us if we can't create something even like us?  In emulating
something, comprehensive knowledge about the workings of the thing should be
available.  We don't know the workings that happen to/in us enough to
emulate us wholly.  We also know less about beings that we may want to make
as models who/which are better than us.  AI will succeed in areas where we
know ourselves enough to create something that can emulate us & surpass our

 When a programmer(3) works on a computer. He/she is expressing his/her
will to it.  Unless the computer adheres to the relatively perfect will of
the programmer, the computer does not justify its existence.  It makes itself
unuseful and fails the objective of its creation.  God expresses his will
through various ways.  We are his creation & we cannot make best of our
existence apart from his will.
 We may term that the programmer enters commands to the computer. 
The computer sometimes doesn't follow the user's/programmer's will.  We call
it an error.  Whether hardware or software, we have to fix it.  We have to
tell the computer our will because against our will the computer is in error
condition.  If (the) computer sins against our will & if we ever taught it to
*confess* the errors through a log(4) or something, it should.  Because if it
doesn't, we won't be able to fix it as efficiently as if it did.  
If we confess all our sins like how much the
computer should tell us all its errors, we will minimize the effects
of such errors and be made better as a natural effect of creation-creator

 We try to make computers as intelligent as we can make them, but they
are always generally & wholly inferior than their creators.  God was more
successful in creating because the Bible says he created us in his own
image.  We should not think that God couldn't create us like him just because
we are inferior to him.  Most if not all of our degradedness are results of
our disobedience to his will.

 We make computers with the least difference as possible.  All should
be operationally perfect.  Don't you wonder why God's creations are so
individually unique and ours so uniform?  
Because we have a lower interest.  We make them for
money & utility, God made us because of love.  We make them as tools because
we are imperfect, God made us as learners because he knew everything.  He
enabled us to love because he was love.  He gives us different knacks because
he knows everything about anything.

 Computers exist primarily for good purposes.  However, there are
people who use them for bad goals.  When good & bad interests are fed into
the computer, it's purpose is confused.  God was very successful in creation
that he was able to give his creations freedom.  Humanity was brand new &
someone started cracking(5) it.  Someone who had previously cracked himself out
of God's will.  Satan has had some evil achievements & is trying to do more
cracking on us who are a little lower than the angels.  Computers can't
crack humans, humans can't crack angels fallen or not because they were created
higher than us.  A computer undergoing cracking should ask the help of
someone higher than the cracker.  Satan tries to destroy us, we can't fight
him without asking God for help & following everything he says.

Forgiveness & Sin
 When we sin & see that we sin & ask forgiveness, God forgives us
relatively fastest than he does answer our other prayers
(according to Ellen G. White).  Then  the restoration process takes
place.  When computers detect errors, it tells us and we correct them. 
There is a difference:  computer errors are mostly made by humans but human
errors are mostly due to his disobedience to his Creator.  **Human sin is not
to be blamed on defects of creation.  It is rather the misuse of one of
creation's features, the freedom of choice.**

 If you were a perfect programmer, the system you would have created
would be perfect.  You would know all the possibilities of the system.  You
could emulate it in your mind & know what was going to happen with the real
system.  And you would have designed a system that is as error free as your
perfectness.  We do not doubt God's perfectness.  He installed into us the
freedom of choice, an evidence that we were created to interact with him &
not just for utility's sake.  He knows every possibility in us & planned for
the best.

 God installed into us the freedom of choice, as evidence that we
were created to interact with him & not just for utility's sake. (I typed it
faster this time).  We notice that the more we want a system to interact
with us & to emulate thought, the more freedom we give to it, the more
uncontrolled choices(6) we give to it.  But we do not just throw in the
characters & after millions of years of scrabbling come up with a system.

 Computers in a network are connected for purposes.  Imagine we're
them.  When a computer fails, its coworkers try to help it come back up
again.  If they don't succeed, they signal the human.  Computers can
talk(10) to humans through the user interface we provided.  Creator-creation
communication is very profitable, i tell you.  But why do these computers
have the capability of connecting to one another?  In the context of this
discussion they probably were meant to be exposed to one another, to find
nodes with similar interests, and above all find who they can be most 
profitably grouped ( or paired! ) with for the gain of themselves, others and
their creator.  Anyway their communicative/communicational capabilities are
optimally used for keeping the society up, sharing each
other's burdens, knowing about each other's experiences with the human,
sharing their resources (both storage or processing capabilities).  I don't
know but maybe they also accidentally gaze at each other to soup up 
performance, cut depression or raise hopes.

 We are such a mystery to computers, like God is such a mystery to
 Maybe, stacks in heaven don't overflow. Unimaginably interesting!
 If creation was software engineering, then the rib that was Adam's, 
later Eve's, was reusable code.
 We have much wider registers than computers.
 Forever?  Infinity?  In 8-bit, 255++, in 16-bit 65,535++, 
in 32-bit 4,294,967,295++ years.  For humans: if you're signed it's till death
do us part, if you're unsigned there are unlimited upgrades in the future.
(where the sign is the mark of the beast)
 Judgment Day.  When the made worthy get a CPU upgrade (that they were
practicing for)(and other upgrades as well - the CPU's significant to me 
anyway), and when the lost get recycled...  Ask the chip manufacturers.  They 
make perfect chips, some of them anyhow have errors.
 Freedom of choice:  "That's not a bug, its a feature!".

Coding & Debugging:
 When we programmers code, we are in creative mode.  We focus on
features.  When we debug(7), we are in criticizing mode.  We look for things we
didn't put there.  Shouldn't the software be thankful we're correcting it? 
Other computers help us look for errors in their co-computers also.

 Computer servers should be more capable than their clients(11) in their
serving field of interest.  Leaders should be more capable in a certain
organization than the people who just "use" them.  Servers may concentrate in
a certain field of serving if many other servers can concentrate in other
fields.  Specialization of leaders is important also when the population is
high.  Servers can do many different services at virtually the same time if
[1]it is capable, or [2]when there are not enough other servers who are
willing to do serving.  Leaders in low population areas should also be
capable in many different fields.  File servers are designed to be the best
file granaries in the network, Web servers are designed to be the best web
machines in the network, Mail servers are designed to know more than their
clients, and Database servers are supposed to have more data than their
clients.  The people who serve in a field should be the people who have the 
best talents in that field.  The best machines in a community of computers 
are assigned to "serve".  Our leaders profess to serve us also.

 Do you ever wonder how a computer can sort the names in a class
record, calculate the grades, show a movie, play sounds, copy disks, pay
attention to your mouse, accept your keystrokes all at the same time?  The
secret of multitasking is to do a little of every task in a prioritic
manner.  That is also how we go into many classes in one day and many other
classes in another day cycling the schedule week after week throughout the 
whole term while getting out of the routine when higher priority tasks

Balance and Priorities:
 If the computer perfectly multitasks and gives every process(12) the
same fair amount of time, the computer looks happy (or efficient) and 
balanced.  When people give attention to all aspects of life and therefore 
do good in all aspects of life, we admire them.  The truth is that the
computer does not give every process equal time.  Some very important tasks
should be done without delay and in right time more than other tasks. 
Examples are: swapping virtual memory from and to disks, sending / receiving
data from communication devices, writing to storage devices which have no
controller of themselves, and others.  We people also have "do not delay" and
"perishable" things to do in life.  I won't delay you now, do good.

 Rest to us humans is temporarily quitting from direct work.  We
need vacations, nights, naps, breaks, et cetera, to revive in us the
efficiency for work.  The computer also needs to rest from its normal
full-time service to fix the filesystems, reindex databases, restack memory,
defrag harddisks, and reset hardware subsystems.
 Everybody knows how to sleep when he/she is tired and wake up again
refreshed.  Almost everybody knows how to restart a computer that acts 
differently. But not everybody dares fix filesystems, or has permission to 
reindexes databases, or knows how to restack memory, or is brave enough to 
defrag harddsisks, or has enough documentation to reset hardware subsystems. 
Computers can't do all the keep-up work for themselves.  Humans can't do all 
the keep-up work for themselves either.  The Bible says "Remember the Sabbath
day to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the 
seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any 
work..." (Exodus 20:8).

Miracles & Random Numbers:
 Miracles are natural events that humans can't explain 
(St. Agustine).  Also in this manner we say that a number is random if we can't
quickly explain how it was produced.  We say that a sequence of numbers is
randomly produced if we don't see any pattern it its production.  Therefore,
like miracles, the qualification of being random depends on our ability to
prove that something is not random.  If we cannot see its non-randomness
then it qualifies, for us, that that something is random.

 All great and good algorithms, ideas and implementations come from
God, the Great Programmer.  He can compress the full base and complexity of
a whole human in two cells: egg and sperm cells.

 Please organize this if you want.  Looks like everything belongs to
 I wrote it because I saw it could explain(9) some things. 
I saw it because somebody put it there, probably the One who put us here
too.  Why'd he put us here?

(1)  boot - what the computer does to get itself running; it is the
     time after it is turned on and before it is usable.
(2)  bug - an error in software
(3)  programmer - programmer, software engineer, software developer, system
     analyst, hacker, cracker, system administrator, network administrator, 
     script writer or the likes.
(4)  log - chronological record of happenings 
(5)  cracking - hacking (or intelligent activity on a computer) by a person 
     with non-ideal intentions
(6)  uncontrolled choices - hard to trace,  unexpected
(7)  debug - to take away bugs from software (usually done without
     any excitement;)
(8)  compiler - makes source codes executable (something near that)
(9)  explain - stop questions, apeace mind, reduce mental congestion
(10) talk - or communicate, or signal by various ways, need not be verbal
     (that's very important to us shy ones)
(11) client - a computer that makes use of services offered by a server.
(12) process - a program in memory (probably in execution)

by Win Pasamba
March 1999

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