Prophecy, Freewill/Choice, Foreknowledge, Memory, FPGA, Sin, Influence/force, etc...

student asks
if God knows the future how come he allowed people to cause much trouble?
while skimming articles these ideas formed:

1. God knows everything like we know every possible move and result in a tic-tac-toe, yet the player still has choice.  In chess it is more complicated so we don't know all the possible results.  But God has unlimited thinking so he knows all the possible results of all the possible choices.

2. Players have freedom of choice.

3. God knows the future because he can hover over time, he is not limited by time, he is before and after time.  He knows all our future choices.  Example: i tell a student if he doesn't study he will have difficulty with exam. it is my prophecy but not my choice whether the student studies or not.

4. Influence, not force.  The rules prevent God or the Satan from forcing us against our will.  Influence/temptation only.

5. Satan is not God so he doesn't know all what God knows.

6. Sin is a mystery(egw).  Darkness cannot be substantiated, it is absence of light.  also death is nothing, just the withdrawal of life.

7. How did sin start? in heaven, Lucifer was made perfect, but iniquity was found in his heart.  wanted to be in God's position, jealous of the Son of God.  discontentment increasing. doubting questions shared with other angels. until the controversy became war.

another student comes in and asks "if other beings are watching sin happening in the world, aren't they influenced negatively?"
8. sin makes them hate sin.  they have been watching since creation, temptation, and fall of man.  They will not believe satan because they know his goal is to kill Jesus (in the cross).

9. sin started in heaven, not in eden.  they have watched it (historically).

student asks 'will we forget sin in heaven'?

10. bible says we will forget former things ((but not all "all"s really mean it, e.g. 1)"all have sinned" doesn't include Jesus, 2)all flesh was destroyed in the flood, doesn't include noah. so we have to ask the author what he means.)).  history will not be erased because that is how other worlds will hate sin,also for us.

11. we shall all be changed in a twinkling of an eye. so our hardware will be replaced.

12. but our character, God has a backup.  since our brain decomposed, when he raises us back to life, God will restore our character (and others unique aspects).

13. the tree of life is for the healing of the nations. probably to restore us to adam and eve's health/stature.

discussion also went into mental capacity.  student asks 'will our memory be full in heaven?'
14. we were made to be educated eternally.  probably no limit, because in our fallen state we continue to learn, so in our restored state there will be less limits.

15. how does that work? like the whole body is a nervous system (muscle memory), like cells reprogram themselves (like FPGA). etc...

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