News from GOSHEN (Gospel Order School of Health Evangelism Network)

News from GOSHEN (Gospel Order School of Health Evangelism Network)

Hello friends,

[update jan 08, 2010 vidoes, mp3s of are available at just look for goshen subdirectories]

God is so good! Here is a summary of some of the news of God's workings here in Dimani, Aurora Province, Philippines

1. Pastor Bryan Tolentino has been praying for this in the last several years.
2. A member who dreams had a dream about the project.
3. God has been leading others to help in the realization of the GO project.
4. God is using Ma'am Glenda Orbe to strengthen the vegan disease management diet (no salt, no oil, no additives) of the project.
5. Lots of people are excited about the project. There is also lots of persecution.
6. Don Acquino just graduated from LIGHT (wildwood philippines) is also praying to start another training center.
7. A land was located and the previous revelations were confirmed. It is surrounded by mountains, beside a river, has fresh water, is about 10 mins from the road, and is open to be used for this year-end.

Now that is the introduction
8. First day was really packed with learning. Starting lectures at at 4am with reactions/testimonies after most lectures. Then we have another lecture at about 7am, and eating time and break at 9:30am-12, then about two more lecture, then eating at 4:30pm, then lecture at 7pm, then finaly sleep at 9:30pm. For two weeks!
9. My goal of coming is to enjoy the vegan food which i have been enjoying for several months already. And to enjoy the truths revealed by prophet bryan, as i call him (num 11:29, Acts 2:17, Eph 4:11-12, 1Thes 5:20-21). And also to video all the lectures, activities, and food preparations. So that we can post it for free in the internet so more people can benefit.
10. The topics and other details are posted in

This is where the real thing starts
11. In some days I was really sad and tired and disappointed and was asking God for encouragement. I was supposed to be happy to know about the testimonies of how this project became a reality in the leading and working of God.
12. Between the lectures, Gener Mercene, a theology working student from AUP, told pastor bryan that he had a dream and that he saw the resurrection and he saw many adventist and others rising up into the sky from their graves. He saw someone in white opening up the graves, and he saw me, since I was usually taller than most people, and i was also risen and ascending. Praise the LORD! What greater encouragement could one receive?
13. Now I really reflected on this and asked God to project my attitude from being complacent, to shield me from pride, and that God might me a good attitude and reaction to this dream.
14. If this is true, pastor bryan says, it means that I won't be included in the 144,000 who will be alive and saved when Jesus comes. But to me it doesn't matter, as long as sin is eliminated in me and that I get to go to heaven and live eternally.
14.a. The next day another camper was browsing their camera and he noticed some kind of glow or fire in one of the trees in the camp. The unedited picture is supposed to be attached to this document. (Please check with your best graphics artist to see if it is edited.)
14.b. This is really inspiring and comforting that puts tears of joy in my eyes whenever I realize how God is in his work here.
14.c. I initially thought it was an error or something but I borrowed the camera and tried to see all the angles while praying to God to tell us what this was about.
14.d. It turns out that the "burning tree" (Joel 2:28-32) was exactly above the tent where Gener Mercene was sleeping. This really struck me as Gener Mercene was the one who dreamed of seeing me and others in the resurrection day! Praise the Lord!

My partial analysis about it are the following:
14. It is God's will that I be saved.
15. It is also God's will that everyone be saved.
16. God cannot save me if I don't allow him. This applies to everyone as well.

My question to all who read or hear this story is:
17. What would you be thinking if you were in my place?
18. What would you do in response to such a dream? How would it affect how you live?

My resolutions are:
19. I would live everyday like it was the last. Since you really never know when the last will be.
20. I'll finish all my resources into gospel work before I die.
21. Since I don't know exactly when I will die, the above sounds like quite ASAP. (of course the "strict economy" rule of spending still applies).

Prayer requests:
22. That God himself protects the videos of this activity from hardware failure.
23. That the people who started this project continue to maintain as much prayer and seeking God's will as was when it was being started, so long as the ministry is still needed.
24. That God take care of all the other projects / ministries that branch off from this.
25. That the laborers learn Jesus only way to do gospel work, and that the field be readied by God himself.
26. That the Holy Spirit be poured to all of us, and that we make getting ready for this our hightest priority.

Amen, Amen, Amen!

This is just one of the many great miracles God is doing everyday.
Jesus is coming soon! He is actually doing the work Himself now.
We have to warn the world of the impeding destruction ASAP and in Christ's method.

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