GOSHEN testimony 2

God impressed Pastor Bryan Tolentino to read the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy only for three months.
God impressed Don Aquino, thru Extreme Faith documentary of Pastor David Gates testimonies of how God was leading their ministry, to organize A3M with Noli Catimbang and others.
God led siblings Don and Donna, and others to take the 6-month training in LIGHT in Nueva Era, Ilocos, which uses Wildwood curriculum.
Thru faith and prayer, God impressed Bryan and Don to create GO (Gospel Order school of medical evangelism) in Dimani, Aurora.
God gave dreams to a brethren in Dimani about people having a camp meeting.
God impressed people to donate a generator, water pipes, tarps, etc... for the school.
God impressed David Tan (ssd coordinator of ASI) to recommend the name GOSHEN (Gospel Order School of Health Evangelism Network)
God gave a dream to Gener Mercene about resurrection. He saw many adventists and others being risen from their graves (someone in white was opening the graves).
God allowed one camera in goshen to catch a glimpse of the burning tree which was above the tent of Gener and his companion.
God gave Mr. Garde (asi coordinator of CLC and whole Luzon) a series of dreams where they were struggling in flooded water and at least he recognized his wife in the dream.
God used ma'am glenda orbe's sickness (cancer and diabetes) and experiences to magnify the Bible and EGW's health message claims regarding diet/nutrition, disease, and direct connection to spiritual discernment.
God impressed many participants in Goshen to do goshen also in their own home provinces. bicol, mindanao, palawan, iloilo, etc...
God directed the goshen missionaries to cook and prepare food for the locals of dimani. God giving them instant skill and instant wisdom in doing His work. Their testimonies and experiences reveal the true-to-life working of the Holy Spirit like in the days of Acts.
God stirred AUP & PIC about goshen but had plans than nobody ever thought of. How things fit together miraculously is just evidence that it is God himself leading the work. Pastor Parulan helped the goshen organizers connect with the owner of the rights to the land in dimani.
God stirred the owner of the land and his children, long before we contacted them. We were individually and as a group asking that God go with us, but God was already there! When we met the owners and shared God's stories, they outrightly gave all the papers for God's work. I remember the tearry eyes of that old man after seeing the burning bush picture and hearing the story. He knew it was God.
God gave the 82-year old man a smile that can only be worn by one who has just done God's will.

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