The Universe Stores Its Own History

When lighting strikes 1 kilometer away, thunder is heard about 3 seconds after. That's because the speed of sound at sea level is 340.29 m/s. The sound is late. The sound is already history. To hear what was said a year ago you have to be 10,415,324 kilometers away from the place of conversation given the sound is not absorbed nor weakened by distance.

Light (and other nearby oscillations unobservable by the human eye) travels at 299,792,458 meters / second. If you have a very powerful telescope (like Hubble) you would be able to see light years away. Where light year is one year's worth of travel at the speed of light. So if you were looking at a star one lightyear away, you're looking at how it was one year ago. If you could see 6000 light years far, you would almost see creation of the universe!

Therefore all unhidden optical information of the universe are archived and continuously traveling outward in space. You could retrieve them by traveling faster than light back and forth the optical archive looking back thru the history of a star or planet.

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