Thank You

Our Father in Heaven

Thank you for life
Thank you for having parents
Thank you for giving them even though i couldn't exist to ask for them yet
Thank you for making it so i landed on a big pillow from the second deck bed at 3 months old while asleep
Thank you for sending lady (who was cutting classes) to rescue me from drowning in the 6-foot fishpond when i was 3

Thank you
for the opportunity to grow
for the opportunity to let others grow
for the opportunity to teach
for the opportunity to be taught

for the chance to love
and the chanee to be loved
for the chance to eat
and the chance be feed others

for being able to laugh
and for being able to make others laugh
for being able to see
and for being able to show others

for being able to talk
and for the opportunity to be heard
for being able to help
and for the opportunity to help others

for being able to correct
and for being corrected by others
for the chance to sing
and the change to listen to singing

for being able to feel
and for letting others feel
for all the opportunities you have given
and for being able to give others opportunities

Thank you for everything. You are Everything and everything comes from You.

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