
Showing posts from March, 2025

Reuniting LGT and anti-LGT camps

Emphasize Unity, Not Differences {LDE 91.3} "No one has said that we shall find perfection in any man's investigations" {GW 301.1; TDG 93.4;...}{RH, March 25, 1890 par. 8}; {1888 547.8} Ability, Abilities, Supplement,  differences  of, among believers to be complementary  OHC 169:2 Apostles, Before Pentecost,  differences  of opinion among  DA 296 , put away before Pentecost  DA 827 Difference,  Differences , among ministers, should not be made prominent  1SM 183 Difference,  Differences , dwelling upon little, leads to actions that destroy Christian fellowship  8T 243 Difference,  Differences , minor points of: do not agitate  CW 76-7 , Satan diverts minds by introducing  Ev 154 Difference,  Differences , minor points of: do not agitate  CW 76-7 , SDA should conceal their  Ev 183 Difference,  Differences , minor points of: do not agitate  CW 76-7 , should not become subjects of contention...