"is" vs "was" Perfection Conclusion

 brethren, maybe this will resolve all perfect debates

"is perfect" vs "was perfect"

was perfect:
adam, lucifer, Noah, job, Asa

is perfect:
moses, Elijah, enoch

how to be perfect?
by grace thru faith, repentance.

when to be perfect?
between now and close of probation (personal close of probation)

do you know you're perfect?
egw says cannot claim & cannot know (struggling but not sinning) until 2nd coming.

perfection can be lost (via sin). perfection can / should be (re) gained (repentance, grace, faith...)

Jesus is perfect, was perfect, has always been

Lucifer was perfect, could have become perfect again if he repented/repents but will never because of pride (of accepting he was wrong).

We can be perfect by God's grace thru faith, not of ourselves it is the gift of God coz our works don't count to salvation as we were supposed to do good anyway all the time.

if we commit sin (losing perfection), repentance puts us perfect with God again.

we can't claim perfection probably coz we don't know if our repentance is true. until the end of the test.

our works don't count as merit to salvation because we were created for good works in the first place. all our good works now is less than what we could have done if we didn't sin. "filthy rags". effort is needed to submit yourself to God, resist the devil, accept correction, accept mistakes, confess to God, open the door for Jesus to come in, call upon the Lord, search the scriptures, watch and pray. but all our efforts are nothing compared to God's.

one sin = one death. "wages of sin" (singular) is death. we have many sins. all our works cannot pay for even one sin, much more all. Jesus' Infinite substitute is the only unli credit that can write it all off.

with this understanding:
  1. we don't need to explain away (editing the bible w/o actually editing) perfection by substituting weaker synonyms from the hebrew, "mature" etc... since almost all translation use "perfection" anyway, no need to insinuate they all used the wrong word.
  2. no need to explain away perfection by ignoring "as your heavenly Father is perfect" w/c is the direct context and instead jumping elsewhich context (e.g. "merciful", "perfect love") to reduce possible stress of the high bar
  3. no need to be confused why some "was perfect" people committed sin later, and therefore falsely thinking you can be perfect and still have sins unrepented of
  4. it shows that the bible doesn't contradict itself
  5. it shows that the EGW writings don't contradict
  6. it shows both bible and sop are correct
  7. helps us understand "as all correct" the seemingly contradictory statements regarding perfection, sinlessness and the like
  8. shows how accessible perfection is for all

for the complete list of sins we have to repent of, one may read the whole bible and whole egwwritings.

"God will not do that for man which he can do for himself" {The Bible Echo November 1, 1893, paragraph 2} "God will accept the whole-hearted service, and will Himself make up the deficiencies."—The Ministry of Healing, 150{ChS 257.2}

Christ is our example despite having perfection of sinless humanity, therefore hinting that nature does not matter.

"Christ unites in His person the fullness and perfection of the Godhead and the fullness and perfection of sinless humanity. He met all the temptations by which Adam was assailed, and overcame these temptations because in His humanity He relied upon divine power. This subject demands far more contemplation than it receives. Christians strike too low. They are content with a superficial spiritual experience, and therefore they have only the glimmerings of light, when they might discern more clearly the wonderful perfection of Christ’s humanity, which rises far above all human greatness, all human power. Christ’s life is a revelation of what fallen human beings may become through union and fellowship with the divine nature.... {FLB 219.3}ch

~200 things about perfection from EGW Comprehensive Index:
Perfect, Christian must be, in his life as Christ was in His DA 3118T 86
Perfect, Christian must be, in his life as Christ was in His DA 3118T 86, in his sphere as God is in His DA 311-2MB 76-8MM 112-3MYP 144-5PP 5744T 5918T 64
Perfect conformity
Perfect expression
Perfect, God does not choose His agents because they are COL 330
Perfect, God's law is DA 308-9
Perfect holiness
Perfect, how to become, in Christ 2SM 32
Perfect, how to become perfect as God is MB 77-8
Perfection, all is, in heavenly courts 5T 500
Perfection, angelic, failed in heaven 5BC 1132
Perfection, be content with nothing less than MYP 73
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, how to reach 2T 170
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, ladder of 2T 479
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, Matt. 5: 44-46 illustrates one phase of MM 254
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, persons giving reins to appetite cannot attain CH 114
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, persons who indulge appetite cannot attain to 2T 400
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, possible for man to attain 4T 567
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, self-control is essential to 2T 311
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, strive to overcome all that opposes MYP 73
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, vacillating person will not succeed in attaining 2T 408-9
Perfection, Christian life may have, at every stage of development COL 65
Perfection, Christ presents to God His people's prayers with incense of His own DA 667
Perfection, Christ's, God expects from His people CG 477
Perfection, Christ's, God expects from His people CG 477, God sees His people clothed in DA 357
Perfection, erroneous doctrine of, in flesh 2SM 32
Perfection, exists in least as well as greatest of God's works Ed 114PP 574
Perfection, God bids you to go forward to 1SM 28
Perfection, God desires that everything be done in His service with 7T 142
Perfection, God has endowed His people richly with everything essential to FE 218
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315, in all things connected with His service 7T 147
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315, in character building 5BC 1085
Perfection, God's highest ideal for His people is AA 566
Perfection, God's ideal of, for His people DA 311
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125, strive to represent, in your sphere CG 54
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125, things of nature do their best to represent CG 54
Perfection, God's people must attain, of Christ in His humanity CG 477TM 173
Perfection, grace to see, of Christ's character CH 593
Perfection, heaven's, is to be your power 9T 21
Perfection, highest degree of, cultivate your faculties to COL 330
Perfection, human, failed in Eden 5BC 1132
Perfection, human nature brought to, of Christ 7T 143
Perfection, in outward things, must be held subordinate to higher interests 7T 143
Perfection, Jews failed in efforts to reach MB 77
Perfection, man cannot attain to Christian, while giving reins to appetite CH 114
Perfection, man cannot attain to Christian, while giving reins to appetite CH 114, while neglecting to study God's word CSW 17
Perfection, man may attain, through Christ COL 330TM 150
Perfection, man must be faithful in little things in order to reach MYP 144-5
Perfection, marked all Christ did on earth WM 153
Perfection, med. helper should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, no one need fail of attaining, in character AA 531
Perfection, nothing short of, God's people are to attain to SD 10
Perfection, nurse should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, how to reach DA 123
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, is lifelong work 5T 500
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, practices that hinder Spirit's work of CD 573T 492
Perfection, of Christian character, divine grace needed for 3T 542
Perfection, of God's mind, gospel ethics acknowledge no standard but 7T 276
Perfection, of God's work, in tiniest insect as well as king of birds 4T 591
Perfection, of the redeemed in world to come SC 126
Perfection, original, Christ died to restore man to his SD 242
Perfection, original, Christ died to restore man to his SD 242, plan of redemption is to restore man to DA 311-2
Perfection, physician should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, privilege of advancing to AA 565
Perfection, required by God, self-love is blind to CS 24
Perfection, required in building earthly sanctuary 7T 142
Perfection, result of discerning, of Christ's character MB 19
Perfection, seen in all Christ's work DA 789
Perfection, soul, Christian may have 2SM 32
Perfection, spiritual, promised to all through Christ 4T 416
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114, God calls His people to reach AA 531
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114, in Phil. 2:12 Paul shows how to reach AA 481-2
Perfection, state of, God designs that His people should rise higher and higher toward 4T 416
Perfection, strive to attain, of character that Christ attained on earth MM 253
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, do not say, I cannot do it RC 164:2
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, necessary to enter heaven HP 29:6
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, of Christian attainments; (to) HP 162:4
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, when Christ abides AG 324:2
Perfection, Supplement, advancing in light LHU 123:5
Perfection, Supplement, aim for highest, throughout life TMK 130:2
Perfection, Supplement, as God is perfect in His HP 141:6; 186:3
Perfection, Supplement, become like Christ to be found with FLB 221:3
Perfection, Supplement, beholding, of Christ changes into His image TDG 46:2
Perfection, Supplement, by being imitated OHC 108:3
Perfection, Supplement, character, essential to behold God in His glory UL 316:3
Perfection, Supplement, character, of the saved TDG 90:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, came in mercy to show that humans may have TDG 268:6
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, came that His, might be revealed in us LHU 66:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, dwelt among the guilty that they might attain RC 17:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, gives strength for, else He would not require it TMK 130:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, had; we are to follow in self-denial LHU 291:7
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, is our example of HP 31:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, made, possible in faith, obedience and character TDG 204:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, met highest standards of; we have no excuse 3SM 136:0
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, only has (from mistakes) TMK 136:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, only true model of HP 14:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, character, is the Christian's inspiration TMK 166:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, grace develops UL 191:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, life of, example for us HP 166:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, wrought out, for us in His humanity TMK 130:3
Perfection, Supplement, claim of, least by those seeing Jesus' perfection FW 54:1
Perfection, Supplement, claim of, purified character does not lead to Mar 54:6
Perfection, Supplement, completeness of Christ's offering makes, possible HP 7:4
Perfection, Supplement, deformity replaced by, through grace AG 263:4HP 31:6
Perfection, Supplement, desired for one counseled LYL 73:3
Perfection, Supplement, disappointment to be expected from not seeing TMK 186:2
Perfection, Supplement, disciples lacked, but were willing to learn LHU 259:3
Perfection, Supplement, disposition molded to Christ's will reaches OHC 170:5
Perfection, Supplement, dissatisfaction with anything but AG 257:5HP 64:5
Perfection, Supplement, divine, Christ offers to transform sinful nature into TMK 106:3
Perfection, Supplement, divine, culture (cultivation of heart soil) brings TDG 12:6
Perfection, Supplement, exists only in imagination; church has tares and wheat TMK 179:2
Perfection, Supplement, expectation of God, so He provided the divine nature OHC 213:5
Perfection, Supplement, feeling that God could not use one lacking 3SM 148:5
Perfection, Supplement, gift of, for converted sinner 2MCP 781:2
Perfection, Supplement, God carries on the work of UL 346:4
Perfection, Supplement, God's ideal for His children RC 293:5
Perfection, Supplement, God's, little understood UL 340:3
Perfection, Supplement, God works for our, when we allow His control 3SM 201:0
Perfection, Supplement, growth through personal religion finally brings 1MCP 27:1
Perfection, Supplement, heavenly agencies cooperate as you seek HP 208:4
Perfection, Supplement, heaven's, not enjoyed by one retaining frailty here 3SM 360:4
Perfection, Supplement, high standard of, reached by receiving Christ's word TDG 257:7
Perfection, Supplement, impossible through own works FW 107:4
Perfection, Supplement, in Christ, Bible presents TMK 199:3
Perfection, Supplement, inhabitants of heaven have; God's will is their joy 2MCP 384:3
Perfection, Supplement, knowledge of divine, through Christ OHC 216:5
Perfection, Supplement, lack of, although serving God TMK 186:2
Perfection, Supplement, lack of, but we may go on to reach it UL 99:2
Perfection, Supplement, lack of, by contentment with earthly things TMK 117:2
Perfection, Supplement, lack of, in character, is sin and breaks law TMK 131:2
Perfection, Supplement, less, seen in self when seeing Saviour's character LHU 273:2
Perfection, Supplement, love, because Jesus embodies it RC 318:3
Perfection, Supplement, marked all Christ did HP 166:4
Perfection, Supplement, mind is elevated to comprehend, in Bible study TMK 195:4
Perfection, Supplement, ministers to reach, in their methods VSS 258:2
Perfection, Supplement, moral, and spiritual, through Christ HP 61:5
Perfection, Supplement, moral, required in all FLB 140:5
Perfection, Supplement, necessary because we see it in Christ UL 36:4
Perfection, Supplement, none have, because unbelief separates from God RC 307:2
Perfection, Supplement, no person has, in habit or thought UL 281:3
Perfection, Supplement, not in our eyes but in every good work UL 218:2
Perfection, Supplement, opposed by strange power UL 238:7
Perfection, Supplement, pledged to those who seek God with humility TDG 153:5
Perfection, Supplement, possible, UL 303:6
Perfection, Supplement, possible, UL 303:6, by perfection of Christ's character CME 46:3
Perfection, Supplement, possible, UL 303:6, by use of every capability to glory of God AG 230:2
Perfection, Supplement, possible, UL 303:6, during cleansing of sanctuary RC 296:2
Perfection, Supplement, possible, UL 303:6, in our sphere, 1MCP 104:0
Perfection, Supplement, privilege to reach, UL 99:2
Perfection, Supplement, privilege to reach, UL 99:2, and duty HP 338:3
Perfection, Supplement, progression toward, continued throughout eternity HP 186:6
Perfection, Supplement, promise in command for RC 293:5
Perfection, Supplement, provision made for us to stand in FLB 112:7
Perfection, Supplement, reaching for, in view of events now taking place RC 271:4
Perfection, Supplement, reaching, takes more than one bound 3SM 193:1
Perfection, Supplement, reaching, that Christ died to make possible HP 286:5
Perfection, Supplement, reaching, to see our Lord in peace; (spotless) 3SM 148:3
Perfection, Supplement, required, by God UL 284:7; 353:1
Perfection, Supplement, required, provision made for the divine nature 3SM 203:1
Perfection, Supplement, salvation not because of; trust in imperfection 3SM 147:2
Perfection, Supplement, seek, earnestly as seen in the Saviour's life AG 278:3
Perfection, Supplement, seeker after truth wants UL 238:6
Perfection, Supplement, self is ideal for, when feeling is religion TMK 133:3
Perfection, Supplement, service lacking, accepted in children of Jesus 3SM 195:4
Perfection, Supplement, so look only to Christ 2MCP 429:0RC 35:4
Perfection, Supplement, so look only to Christ 2MCP 429:0RC 35:4, must have, as God is perfect in divinity TDG 318:2
Perfection, Supplement, so look only to Christ 2MCP 429:0RC 35:4, without, may do well through grace LHU 66:3
Perfection, Supplement, spotless robes of character won by OHC 242:6
Perfection, Supplement, standard of, in 1 Cor. 13 attained through Christ TMK 117:2
Perfection, Supplement, stewards to aim for it TDG 32:2
Perfection, Supplement, strength for, from Christ LHU 342:4
Perfection, Supplement, strength for, given by God through faith AG 285:5
Perfection, Supplement, striving for, affects words and works TDG 281:4
Perfection, Supplement, striving for, in our sphere as Christ achieved in everything TMK 130:5
Perfection, Supplement, striving for, now in Christ in the time of atonement Mar 275:2
Perfection, Supplement, striving for, of Christ's character 3SM 155:0; 427:2
Perfection, Supplement, taught in instructions for building the sanctuary HP 154:2
Perfection, Supplement, temptation resisted brings you one step closer to HP 231:6
Perfection, Supplement, through strength Christ used HP 166:4
Perfection, Supplement, truth elevates to the standard of TMK 340:3
Perfection, Supplement, unlimited in example to unbelievers UL 305:4
Perfection, Supplement, use intelligence to attain, in body, soul, and spirit OHC 265:4
Perfection, Supplement, which Christ commanded in Matt. 5:48 TMK 130
Perfection, Supplement, Word of God contains everything essential for HP 133:2
Perfection, Supplement, workers, may not show, but avoid criticism 3SM 344:4
Perfection, Supplement, workers, not chosen for having, but so they can get it OHC 191:5
Perfection, Supplement, works can never attain FW 107:4RC 76:5
Perfection, Supplement, young ruler thought he had FW 70:3
Perfect overcomer
Perfect righteousness
Perfect whole

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