Perfectionism vs Perfection in EGW Writings


  1. God will not intrust the care of his precious flock 20 to men whose minds and judgment have been weakened by former errors that they have been in, such as so-called perfectionism and spiritualism, and by their course, while in these errors, have brought reproach upon the cause of truth and disgraced themselves. And although they may now feel free from error, and competent to go forth to teach this last message, God will not accept them. He will not intrust precious souls to their care; for their judgment has been perverted while in error, and is now weakened. {ExV54 19.2}
  2. God will not entrust the care of His precious flock to men whose mind and judgment have been weakened by former errors that they have cherished, such as so-called perfectionism [SEE APPENDIX.] and Spiritualism, and who, by their course while in these errors, have disgraced themselves and brought reproach upon the cause of truth. Although they may now feel free from error and competent to go forth and to teach this last message, God 102 will not accept them. He will not entrust precious souls to their care; for their judgment was perverted while in error, and is now weakened. The great and holy One is a jealous God, and He will have holy men to carry His truth. The holy law spoken by God from Sinai is a part of Himself, and holy men who are its strict observers will alone honor Him by teaching it to others. {EW 101.2}

Perfection, all is, in heavenly courts 5T 500
Perfection, angelic, failed in heaven 5BC 1132
Perfection, be content with nothing less than MYP 73
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, how to reach 2T 170
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, ladder of 2T 479
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, Matt. 5: 44-46 illustrates one phase of MM 254
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, persons giving reins to appetite cannot attain CH 114
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, persons who indulge appetite cannot attain to 2T 400
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, possible for man to attain 4T 567
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, self-control is essential to 2T 311
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, strive to overcome all that opposes MYP 73
Perfection, Christian: advance by faith toward heights of AA 533, vacillating person will not succeed in attaining 2T 408-9
Perfection, Christian life may have, at every stage of development COL 65
Perfection, Christ presents to God His people's prayers with incense of His own DA 667
Perfection, Christ's, God expects from His people CG 477
Perfection, Christ's, God expects from His people CG 477, God sees His people clothed in DA 357
Perfection, erroneous doctrine of, in flesh 2SM 32
Perfection, exists in least as well as greatest of God's works Ed 114PP 574
Perfection, God bids you to go forward to 1SM 28
Perfection, God desires that everything be done in His service with 7T 142
Perfection, God has endowed His people richly with everything essential to FE 218
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315, in all things connected with His service 7T 147
Perfection, God requires: from His children CG 477COL 315, in character building 5BC 1085
Perfection, God's highest ideal for His people is AA 566
Perfection, God's ideal of, for His people DA 311
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125, strive to represent, in your sphere CG 54
Perfection, God's: imitate MM 125, things of nature do their best to represent CG 54
Perfection, God's people must attain, of Christ in His humanity CG 477TM 173
Perfection, grace to see, of Christ's character CH 593
Perfection, heaven's, is to be your power 9T 21
Perfection, highest degree of, cultivate your faculties to COL 330
Perfection, human, failed in Eden 5BC 1132
Perfection, human nature brought to, of Christ 7T 143
Perfection, in outward things, must be held subordinate to higher interests 7T 143
Perfection, Jews failed in efforts to reach MB 77
Perfection, man cannot attain to Christian, while giving reins to appetite CH 114
Perfection, man cannot attain to Christian, while giving reins to appetite CH 114, while neglecting to study God's word CSW 17
Perfection, man may attain, through Christ COL 330TM 150
Perfection, man must be faithful in little things in order to reach MYP 144-5
Perfection, marked all Christ did on earth WM 153
Perfection, med. helper should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, no one need fail of attaining, in character AA 531
Perfection, nothing short of, God's people are to attain to SD 10
Perfection, nurse should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, how to reach DA 123
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, is lifelong work 5T 500
Perfection, of character: both thought and action are essential to 4T 568, practices that hinder Spirit's work of CD 573T 492
Perfection, of Christian character, divine grace needed for 3T 542
Perfection, of God's mind, gospel ethics acknowledge no standard but 7T 276
Perfection, of God's work, in tiniest insect as well as king of birds 4T 591
Perfection, of the redeemed in world to come SC 126
Perfection, original, Christ died to restore man to his SD 242
Perfection, original, Christ died to restore man to his SD 242, plan of redemption is to restore man to DA 311-2
Perfection, physician should aim for, in God's service MM 200
Perfection, privilege of advancing to AA 565
Perfection, required by God, self-love is blind to CS 24
Perfection, required in building earthly sanctuary 7T 142
Perfection, result of discerning, of Christ's character MB 19
Perfection, seen in all Christ's work DA 789
Perfection, soul, Christian may have 2SM 32
Perfection, spiritual, promised to all through Christ 4T 416
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114, God calls His people to reach AA 531
Perfection, standard of: can be reached through Christ MH 114, in Phil. 2:12 Paul shows how to reach AA 481-2
Perfection, state of, God designs that His people should rise higher and higher toward 4T 416
Perfection, strive to attain, of character that Christ attained on earth MM 253
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, do not say, I cannot do it RC 164:2
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, necessary to enter heaven HP 29:6
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, of Christian attainments; (to) HP 162:4
Perfection, Supplement, advancement toward, HP 186:6UL 186:4, when Christ abides AG 324:2
Perfection, Supplement, advancing in light LHU 123:5
Perfection, Supplement, aim for highest, throughout life TMK 130:2
Perfection, Supplement, as God is perfect in His HP 141:6; 186:3
Perfection, Supplement, become like Christ to be found with FLB 221:3
Perfection, Supplement, beholding, of Christ changes into His image TDG 46:2
Perfection, Supplement, by being imitated OHC 108:3
Perfection, Supplement, character, essential to behold God in His glory UL 316:3
Perfection, Supplement, character, of the saved TDG 90:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, came in mercy to show that humans may have TDG 268:6
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, came that His, might be revealed in us LHU 66:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, dwelt among the guilty that they might attain RC 17:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, gives strength for, else He would not require it TMK 130:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, had; we are to follow in self-denial LHU 291:7
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, is our example of HP 31:5
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, made, possible in faith, obedience and character TDG 204:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, met highest standards of; we have no excuse 3SM 136:0
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, only has (from mistakes) TMK 136:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, only true model of HP 14:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, character, is the Christian's inspiration TMK 166:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, grace develops UL 191:2
Perfection, Supplement, Christ's, life of, example for us HP 166:4
Perfection, Supplement, Christ, wrought out, for us in His humanity TMK 130:3
Perfection, Supplement, claim of, least by those seeing Jesus' perfection FW 54:1

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