Acceptable Use Policy / Access Control Policy of IT for Seventh-Adventists
Acceptable Use Policies / Access Control Policies Use of IT resources is governed primarily by the Bible (~33,103 verses) and Spirit of Prophecy (~250,000 paragraphs). IT shall make it easier for users to search the Bible and SOP. Secondarily laws of the land (Romans 13) will be followed. In case of conflict the authority with resurrecting power shall be followed. Intellectual property respected. Digital creations shall enjoy same privileges as academic authorships, and according to " Authors Stewardship " chapter 23 of Counsels to Writers and Editors by Ellen G. White. Transactional systems should not cause people to work during the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-10) except systems intentionally for revival, evangelistic, and temple work (Matthew 12:5), and others allowed by Bible and Spirit of Prophecy ( serving food { ST, May 25, 1882 par. 4 }). No work shall be done using illegitimate software. "Thou shalt not steal" Exodus 20:15. "For I the LORD love judgm...