Quiz Ministry Observations

  1. great opportunity
  2. only ~400 of ~2500 watch the video. only ~10% of those who watch finish the video.
    1. put all points in the quiz
  3. sharing answers can be rampant in group chats
    1. quiz should be easier to answer than looking for the answer in the groupchat/internet 
      1. de-incentivize cheating
    2. putting bible verses as the answers makes people who share the answers are sharers of the Word (evangelists)
  4. decision / conviction questions better than trivia (who/what/where/when)
    1. bible verses more powerful than trivia
      1. "One sentence of Scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man's ideas or arguments."--7T 71.
      2. "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul" Psalm 19:7
  5. use quiz as advertisement for bible verses
    1. plenty of easy repetitive questions reinforces learning
    2. few difficulty questions incentivizes cheating
  6. assume open notes & open internet
    1. life will probably be open notes and open internet anyway in the future
    2. instead of forcing students not to look at the internet during quiz, why not expect them to accomplish more with the internet open?
  7. students like easy quizzes
  8. students are looking for something to do - opportunity to point them to the Bible thru a quiz
  9. some will get zero no matter how easy the quiz is
  10. quiz time ranges from 52 seconds to 10 days.
  11. reading short essays of 2500 students takes 2 days per question.
    1. use multiple choice instead. 
      1. only takes 1-2 hours to make 42 questions from 80 slide sermon.
      2. zero time to check multiple choice answers.
  12. deadlines can be used as notifications
  13. use quiz questions to teach

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