Conflict, Conflicts , angels are with the faithful in all 3T 526
be armed for 3T 80
between good and evil: began before birth of time Ed 304
every human being acts part in SD 242
scenes of long-continued, opened to EGW GC 10
triumphant close of AA 602; GC 662-78
EGW instructed to portray GC 11
will increase to close of time GC 9
between truth and error, will increase in intensity GC 144
Christ overcame Satan in, with God's word DA 123
Christ's trying, with Satan during temptation in wilderness DA 114-6
Christian must meet, in everyday life MYP 140
Christian's life must be one of 3T 538
Christian's portion in this life is MYP 98
coming: God will help His people to meet new perplexities in SC 125
terrible intensity will mark GC 11
time is full of tokens of 1SM 133
view of 8T 41-7
continual, for Christian in stormy world 3T 453
created by Satan, soon to be decided 7T 141
deadly, God's people must meet TM 339
fearful, just before God's people AH 186
fierce, God's promise to guide His people amid LS 92
final: Christ will strengthen His people for 5T 137
church must wear armor of light and righteousness in TM 17
great, all world will have part in 6T 352
prepare for 5T 137
progress of events in marshaling of nations for, needs to be understood MH 442
Satan's wrath against God's people in GC 10
truth and error are nearing their ChS 77
forefront of, peril of persons in PK 174
God permits, to prepare soul for peace GC 633
great, God's people live near close of 8T 46
God's people must share, if they would wear crown of victory 1SM 28-9; 5T 71
God's people should be made stronger and more stable in faith by 4T 556
good and evil angels engaged in Ev 704
for souls MYP 52-3
great and final, nearing for God's people Ev 30
grows more severe, as closing struggle approaches 6T 471
heat of, unseen agencies by side of God's people in CT 237
impending, causes of GC 582-92; 5T 711-8
irrepressible, between righteousness and sin MB 29
issues in, need to be better understood MH 451; 8T 312
last, Christian's duty in PK 627
last great: between laws of men and precepts of God PK 625
between truth and error GC 582
concerns God's law GC 582
death decree against God's people in DA 121-2
God's people forbidden to buy or sell in DA 121-2
men loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off in DA 121
only persons with minds fortified by Scriptures will stand through GC 593
only two classes in DA 763
preparations being made now for PK 605
Sabbath question will be issue in 6T 352
life of, Christ lived for man DA 129
life's, carefulness needed to ensure success in MH 128
lifelong, with Satan is before God's people AA 560-1; MYP 104
men of moral sinew are made by 3T 495
mightiest, furtherance of God's message involves LS 329; TM 470
most severe, church is soon to enter TM 20
most terrible, ever witnessed is right upon God's people 6T 407
no faithful soul left to struggle alone in PK 571
not pleasant to man's nature 3T 380
of overcoming, persons who know 5T 215
originated before time began, redeemed will study Ed 304
perilous, God will guide His people in TM 211
present, is last God's people shall have SD 370
religious experience gained only through CT 100
severe: God's people seen passing through EW 89
ministry of angels does not ensure God's people against 2T 509
persons who are not reliable in 2T 488
sore, God's people in all ages have endured GC 649
lesson to learn from AA 590
souls faithful in, commendation and promise for AA 588
spiritual life is strengthened by COL 61
stern, Christian has to meet 6BC 1111
strength of character is developed through MYP 78-80
supernatural strength promised to the faithful in every 2BC 995-6
terrible, before God's people ML 308
in near future 9T 11
thick of, expect to enter 4BC 1153
this life is LS 291
time of, fling true colors to breeze in 3T 272
prepare children for CG 555
true soldier's skill is tested in 3T 272
trust in God is need d in MH 500; 3T 494
two parties strive for supremacy in, and God's people cannot be neutral in it SD 370
victory and 1T 592-609
wage, against hereditary tendencies COL 331
why God lets His people encounter ChS 275
will wax fiercer and fiercer TM 411
yoking up with Christ cuts short many 8T 95
your personal, Christ does not create 4T 558
See also Battle; Controversy; Struggle; Warfare
all have; we must follow where Jesus leads TMK 280:4
Christ and Satan,
many do not understand HP 259:2
not merely between humans TMK 211:4
right and wrong since Adam yielded to Satan FLB 72:2
bitterness of, increases near close of time FW 46:3
character perfection obtained through OHC 313:3
had, in spite of angels; we can have angels too 3SM 131:2
lived peacefully in RC 278:4
prevailed in, at infinite cost FW 74:4
was exposed to, as a man OHC 57:3
comfort in looking beyond, to see glory for overcomers TDG 198:4
but obedient ones have help; loud cry 3SM 412:1
church dear to God in HP 284:4
perplexities in, but remember past 3SM 383:2
to be understood; gospel versus human tradition 3SM 385:5
continual, Christian life is TMK 253:2
decision for Christ is beginning of HP 218:2
develops character for heaven OHC 316:3
earth as battlefield for greatest LHU 353:2
Ellen White experienced, in 1888 session, but courage good 3SM 178:0
everyone aligned on one of two sides in TMK 211:5
and courage tested by, but make us strong FLB 8:5
grows through OHC 327:3
between truth and error over Sabbath worship HP 150:2
Christ fights beside and for us in 3SM 425:3
clarity of evil side before, will save some 3SM 397:4
endurance of Christ's follower taxed in HP 297:2
prepare for, by faithfulness in duties HP 297:3
struggle of evil in 3SM 425:5
violence greater than before flood UL 365:3
freedom from, following Christ is not HP 117:3
gird for spiritual, avoiding world's customs TMK 174:4
God shows us, assuring us divine power FW 92:2
Heaven watches, between good and evil HP 361:4
Holy Spirit strengthens and sustains in TDG 173:4
humans left on earth to encounter TMK 358:4
living above, with God's character qualities 3SM 310:3
now on the field of TDG 265:6
path of liberty is laid through TMK 287:2
power of Christ is comfort, hope and rejoicing for RC 304:6
release from, by surrender to Satan AG 333:3
rest promised from earth's final Mar 174:6
salvation requires HP 259:4
with self, cooperating with God 2MCP 757:2
sharing in Christ's, with evil HP 259:2
spiritual, assurance of result of; God reigns TDG 287:5
strength for,
from truth if it is brought into the life RC 21:4
promised UL 363:4
suspicion by marriage partner creates, in the home OHC 179:5
temptations (subtle), require TMK 256:5
trusting own righteousness opens to 3SM 150:2
fortifies for, by constant contact with life RC 21:4
in the heart brings OHC 87:2
enemies of truth drives closer to Christ RC 296:6
evil, plan of, revealed by God UL 82:4
See also Trials; Misunderstandings