666 is Vicarius Filii Dei?

666 Vicarius Filii Dei?
Le Roy Froom VS Bacchiochi, Batchelor, 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, Quasten

from http://www.666truth.org/history/666-and-the-mark

When do you look at the titles for the papacy and the pope, not any one pope but the popes over history, this is a quote now and I don’t speak Latin but I’ll do my best. Prompta Bibliotheca, according to the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, is a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge and will ever remain a precious mine of information. This book is quoted frequently as authoritative Catholic source, under the heading “Papa,” “Vicarius Filii Dei” appears as the title of the Pope.

Now friends who are watching, you’re gonna have to order the tape and read the references cause I can’t even read them all, there’s so many tonight. But you have it there in your screen some of them are very lengthy when you get into these encyclopedias.

Again here’s a document and this is from someone who actually worked locally a number of years back, Dr. J. Quasten, Professor of Ancient History in Christian Archaeology, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. And he said, and this is actually a notarized letter that he signed cause people doubted it, “The title ‘Vicarius Filii Dei’ as well as the title ‘Vicarius Christi’ is very common as the title of the Pope.”

And some of you have heard of Samuel Bacchiochi, he’s in England, he knew I was doing this presentation, he emailed me last night. He said, “Doug, you can also safely say that it is a very common salutation that the Pope signs at the bottom of his letters over history.” And this is coming from someone who studied at the Vatican University. So I want you to know this title “Vicarius Filii Dei” is authentic.

And of course, this some famous quotes from the “Sunday Visitor,” one from 1914, one from 1915. “The title of the Pope of Rome is “Vicarius Filii Dei,” this is inscribed in his miter.” Our Catholic friends have expunged this from their archives at the “Sunday Visitor” cause they got so many questions on it, but this is a photograph of an original copy that some people still had. And again from the “Sunday Visitor,” April 18, 1915: “What are the letters on the Pope’s crown and what do they signify if anything? Answer: The letters on the Pope’s crown are these, ‘Vicarius Filii Dei,’ which is a Latin for ‘Vicar of the Son of God.’” - See more at: http://www.666truth.org/history/666-and-the-mark#sthash.8EabubyX.dpuf

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