To elect and ordain women elders or not?

To or Not To Elect and Ordain Women Elders
    "Her view is consistent: without calling for ordination of women as pastors or elders, she urged a vigorous participation of women especially in personal ministry."
    "Return to the biblical practice of electing and ordaining only men to the office of local elder throughout the world church, while providing for women to serve as un-ordeained church leaders under certain circumstances;"
  3. PRO
    "The current General Conference policy on ordination of women as local church elders is stated in the 2009 Seventh-day Adventist Minister's Handbook, p. 94.
    "Elders and deacons should be persons of experience, chosen wisely. By action of the General Conference council of 1975, reaffirmed at the 1984 Annual Council, both men and women are eligible to serve as elders and receive ordination to this position of service in the church."
    NOTE: GC Council is not equivalent to GC Session.
    The Great Controversy (1911) p. 595 says "But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.  The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science, the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils, as numerous and discordant as are the churches which they represent, the voice of the majority -- not one nor all of these should be regarded as evidence for or against any point of religious faith.  Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain "Thus saith the Lord" in its support".
  4. when influential people have voted against God's expressed will (bible + egw) regarding the sanitarium and printing press, God has intervened by burning both buildings.
  5. differenced between pure women (pure church) and harlot women (unpure church) is that all doctrines and practices are "according to the word" Isaiah 8:20
  6. according means "prescribed" / "ayon" (tagalog)
    Prescribed (original definitions) Unprescribed (modified / altered / additional / expanded / innovative (re)definitions),
    not necessarily forbidden
    Abel followed God's prescribed sacrifice Cain might have thought "it was not forbidden?"
    God has prescribed baptism the Catholic church has an unprescribed 1) more convenient mode; 2) w/c the Bible does not forbid; 3) w/c ensures more babies will be saved; 4) w/c considers time and places where there was not much water to conveniently get to.
    Marriage between Man and Woman Marriage between man and man, woman and woman
    Prescribed Heavenly Music saw and heard by EGW in dreams and visions Music according to the world
    Prescribed Gospel of Salvation by Grace thru Faith Penances, Prayers to the saints, salvation thru works, indulgences
    Prescribed head of the church -- Christ Pope of rome as head of the church
    Prescribed idea of Christ as the Priest Earthly priests mediating
    Prescribed Worship to God Only Idols
    Prescribed Authority of Bible over Church Tradition / Vote / Opinion / Majority, above the Bible Prescriptions
    Prescribed OrdinationUnprescribed ordination
    Prescribed definition of eldersUnprescribed definition / ordination
    Prescribed SabbathUnprescribed day -- their mark of authority -- trying to prove who they are (pride) by redefining what God has prescribed
  7. Obeying only the prohibitions is not enough safety, we have to abide by God's prescriptions.  The reason many cannot readily agree with this is that they don't know much about God's prescriptions (words thru the prophets in the bible and sop).
  8. "Since "the law of the Lord is perfect," every variation from it must be evil." {The Desire of Ages, p 308}
  9. God Will Set Everything in Order {LDE 52}
    "God is at the head of the work, and He will set everything in order.  If matters need adjusting at the head of the work God will attend to that, and work to right every wrong." {2SM 390}(1982)
  10. Jesus coming for pure church.  Satan is trying to inject impurities to remnant church.  "The church militant is imperfect" {LDE 61}.  But prophecy is sure that Jesus will find a pure church when He comes.  "The members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant." {Ev 707} (1892)
  11. "women elders was not a GC session vote. it was a mistake in the process. it slipped thru" - doug batchelor in the video below

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