Heavenly Music Style According to Ellen G. White

Idea: The gift of prophecy to the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White.  She had many visions, in some of them she saw heavenly worship and music.  She has taught her family to sing as much as possible like how she saw angels singing in heaven.  Therefore the sample of songs traced to being sang in their family worships, in church by James and Ellen White, and the songs she quoted and alluded to all give us a description of the style of heavenly music she saw. This is a reflection of a presentation of Dr. James Nix, at the time of writing, the director of the EGW Estate.  The presentation incidentally clarifies issues regarding varied interpretations of EGW writings regarding music.

Early Advent Singing

Possible presentation outline
  1. music was made to serve a holy purpose
  2. music can be an idol
  3. reverence, solemn
    1. more doctrinal
    2. not funeral songs
  4. visions of heavenly music
  5. songs EGW sang, taught, encouraged
    1. Early Advent Singing

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