Solar Lighting At My Mother's House

Solar Lighting Setup at Morning View Subdivision, Silang, Cavite, Philippines

The System:

15 watt LED - dining
15w led - sala
5w led - bath
5w led - front door
9w led - room1
9w led - room2
9w led - room3
5w led - stairs
11w cfl - back door

if i turn on all the lights the DC ammeter reads about 10amperes from the battery to the inverter.

150w inverter (replaced original small unreliable noisy fan with bigger more reliable fan and ran it slower [quieter] at 8v regulated [screwed the 7808 1.5a regulator to the inverter casing])
20a charge controller
70ah car battery
130w solar panels (5x20w, 1x30w)
220w solar panels added later (2x60w, 2x50w) (too much already, useful only on cloudy days. planning to slow-cook with solar rice cooker later, or run washing machine or refrigerator during day.)
15m of 4awg aluminum from solar combiner box to indoor patch panel.
10a 220v DPDT relay for auto-transfer (when battery runs low, automatically switch lights to grid. when inveter turns back on, automatically use solar.)

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