Women Ordination Dangers / Implications / Threats / "Perils" (EGW)


  1. caution
  2. women prophets in the Bible
  3. no women priests in the Bible
  4. logic table of sample adventist beliefs, women ordination, and Isa 8:20 (if not "according to this Word", no light)
  5. concept, promise, and process of pure church (all doctrines and practices according to the Bible)
  6. threat to purity of church
  7. instance and results of unprescribed ordination in the Bible
  8. other instances of unprescribed (but not explicitly prohibited) practices in the Bible
  9. instances and results of unprescribed practices wrought by influential people in the Seventh-day Adventist Chujrch History (burning of battlecreek sanitarium, also burning of review and herald)
  10. difference of ordination and teaching
  11. difference of ordination and gospel ministry
  12. difference of ordination and witnessing
  13. what does EGW say about women ordination?
  14. what is God's will about women ordination?
  15. possible motivations for women ordination
  16. possible warnings
  17. possible effects to members
  18. other references
  19. prophetic assurance of a pure church when Jesus comes
  20. what to do?


  1. caution
    1. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 16:25
  2. women prophets in the Bible
    1. Rachel (Gen. 30:24), Hannah (1 Sam. 2:1-10), Abigail (1 Samuel 25:29-31), Elisabeth (Luke 1:41-45), and Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:46-55)
    2. Old Testament Miriam Deborah Huldah Noadiah Isaiah's wife
    3. New Testament Anna The Daughters of Phillip
    4. False Prophetesses False Prophetesses of Ezekiel Jezebel
  3. no women priests in the Bible
    1. none
    2. only women priests to false gods
      1. extrabiblical: hewbrew women priests/prostitutes to false god Asherah
      2. maybe jezebel (baal priest)
  4. logic table of sample adventist beliefs, women ordination, and Isa 8:20 (if not "according to this Word", no light)
    1. some people say "the Bible doesn't contradict women ordination". but non-contradiction is not the prerequisite.
    2. positive prescription / positive practice / positive command / positive encouragement from the Bible is the requirement for beliefs and practices
    3. the Bible doesn't say "if they are not contradicted, there is light in them" no
    4. instead the Bible says "if they speak not according to this word there is no light in them" Isa 8:20
    5. accordingness is positive encouragement and is the requirement
    6. non-negation doesn't matter
  5. concept, promise, and process of pure church (all doctrines and practices according to the Bible)
    1. Pure Woman is true church, harlot woman is false church
    2. purity of church means all practices and beliefs are from the Bible
    3. “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20. The people of God are directed to the Scriptures as their safeguard against the influence of false teachers and the delusive power of spirits of darkness. https://egwwritings.org/?ref=en_GC.593.1
    4. Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain “Thus saith the Lord” in its support. {GC 595.1}
    5. God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms{GC 595.1}
    6. we are a church militant, but later church triumphant.  "The Church Triumphant—The work is soon to close. The members of thechurch militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant.—Letter 32, 1892{Ev 707.1}
  6. threat to purity of church
    1. with every unbiblical precept, the church becomes be less pure
    2. the enemy doesn't want the church to be pure
  7. instance and results of unprescribed ordination in the Bible
    1. 1 Kings12:31 And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one...and he... made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.
    2. the king's hand dried and the altar was destroyed in the next chapter
  8. other instances of unprescribed (but not explicitly prohibited) practices  in the Bible
    1. cain offering vegetables instead of lamb
    2. moses striking the rock
  9. instances and results of unprescribed practices wrought by influential people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church History (burning of battlecreek sanitarium, also burning of review and herald)
  1. Ellen G. White Estate®: Pathways of the Pioneers - John Kellogg www.whiteestate.org/pathways/jkellogg.asp‎ He finally did gain control of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. ... But her counsels went largely unheeded, and when the Battle Creek Sanitarium burned in 1902, sh..
  2. “I have been almost afraid to open the Review, fearing to see that God has cleansed the publishing house by fire” (Letter 138, 1901;Testimonies for the Church, 8:91]).
  3. Today I received a letter from Elder Daniells regarding the destruction of the Review office by fire. I feel very sad as I consider the great loss to the cause. I know that this must be a very trying time for the brethren in charge of the work and for the employees of the office. I am afflicted with all who are afflicted. But I was not surprised by the sad news, for in the visions of the night I have seen an angel standing with a sword as of fire stretched over Battle Creek. Once, in the daytime, while my pen was in my hand, I lost consciousness, and it seemed as if this sword of flame were turning first in one direction and then in another. Disaster seemed to follow disaster because God was dishonored by the devising of men to exalt and glorify themselves.

  • difference of ordination and teaching

    1. no women doing baptism, priestly duties, in the Bible
      but there are women prophets (teachers/prophecy/revival/preachers)
    2. Joel 2:28-31 and Acts 2:17-21 predicts women prophets/preachers/teachers

  • difference of ordination and gospel ministry

    1. ordination means priest-like level, officiate weddings, lead Lord's Supper, baptize
    2. gospel ministry is broad, everyone should be involved
    3. some might say but "we are a priestly nation"
      but why were the disciples ordaining elders in the churches if we were all priests (in that level)?

  • difference of ordination and witnessing

    1. we should all witness, but priestlike level ordination should be to the biblically-qualified (elders' qualifications and organizational qualifications)

  • what does EGW say about women ordination?

    1. “And may I add that Sister White, personally, was very careful about expressing herself in any wise as to the advisability of ordaining women as gospel ministers. She has often spoken of the perils that such general practice would expose the church to by a gainsaying world; but as yet I have never seen from her pen any statement that would seem to encourage the formal and official ordination of women to the gospel ministry, to public labor such as is ordinarily expected of an ordained minister. {DG 255.2}


  • what is God's will about women ordination?

    1. fundamental belief #1 says "The Holy Scriptures are the infallible revelation of His [God's] will."
    2. if God wanted us to ordain women it should have been positively encouraged / exampled in women priests in the Bible
    3. God wants women to prophesy, be good homemakers, be good witnesses, be great helps to the church, sing, play music, teach children, prepare food, take care of the saints, raise children, and be submissive wives

  • possible motivations for women ordination

    1. money
      1. the love of money is the root of all evil, 1 tim 6:10
    2. position
      1. pride of life, lust of the eye
        For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
        1 John 2:16

  • possible warnings

    1. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Isa 58:1
    2. shooting outside The Ordination Study Committee meeting place in the last sessions.

      first part of Acts sermon was about unity, last part was confusing ordination with teaching
    3. Southern lockdown (TOSC-NAD chair is from SAU)
      A Sabbath Blog: Southern Adventist University goes under lockdown ...
    4. www.asabbathblog.com/2014/01/breaking-news-southern-adventist.html
      Jan 23, 2014 - Southern Adventist University went under a campus wide lockdownThursday afternoon in response to a "percieved threat" by a former student.

  • possible effects to members

    1. when leaders depart from truth, members/the_domain/subjects suffer
      1. David counting soldiers
        2 Sam 24, 70,000 people died
      2. David and Bathsheba
        2 Sam 12, son died
      3. Adam and Eve
        whole earth suffers

  • other references

    1. God's Role for Women in MinistryDoug Batchelor
    2. Steven Bohr
      Doug Batchelor and Steven Bohr at Conference
    3. Eugene Prewitt
      Women's Ordination - A Biblical Perspective
      31 Popular Arguments & Biblical Answers
    4. Clinton Wahlen
      Adventist Biblical Research Institute, GC

  • prophetic assurance of a pure church when Jesus comes

    1. let us look at prophecy in reverse order, from Jesus second coming to our present time
      1. Jesus will come and take the pure church (there will be a pure church)
        Jeremiah 6:2 (KJV 1900)
        2 I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
      2. "The church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall.while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out--the chaff separated from the precious wheat....The remnant that purify their souls by obeying the truth gather strength from the trying process, exhibiting the beauty of holiness amid the surrounding apostasy." " 2SM 380
      3. The members of thechurch militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant.—Letter 32, 1892{Ev 707.1}

  • what to do?

    1. share this with all leaders in you conference, union, division, gc, because they are going to vote about this in the next GC session. 

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