Supporting Ministry HowTo (technical)

How do we do things:.....
This is in response to a comment that we should train (disciple) other people to do the same things.

How do we put so many videos in one dvd?
-we use a software called DeVeDe

Why we don't reproduce videos of ?
-because there is detected effort to limit reproduction to non-free channels

How do we make our soundsystems clearer than others?
-we put more tweeters and boost high frequencies

How do we deal with equipment damaged during service?
-everything has an end-of-life, at least it died in service

How do you deal with conflicts in appointment (overbooking)?
-we borrow, we have redundant equipment sometimes
-we ask one side to give way to the one who needs it more

What software can we use if we like to be free from pirated software?
-we buy licenses if we can, otherwise below
-linux as the operating system (ubuntu linux most popular)
-cinelerra for video editing
-gimp for photo editing
-openoffice for documents, spreadsheet, presentations

Which do you buy and which do you borrow?
-borrowing and lending is preferred
-if borrowing process is too much a hassle, buying is considered

Do you accept donations?
-of course, but we won't ask while we haven't finished ours

Do you do accounting?
-we would want to, even to reach SEC standards for public companies. but it's too much bean-counting and some 98% is our own money anyway. if you are looking for someone to trust we can try full transparency & accountability on the specific project. we have a lot of friends who are young student accountants, practicing accountants, and retired accountants too.

How much is your service appreciated?
-almost everyone likes free dvds up front, some are too shy.
-many people have appreciated the dvds, but usually it takes some time for them to consume/digest the material, we have to pray that those people be moved by the Holy Spirit to watch/listen to those dvds.
-it is like sowing seeds

Where do you get money?
-God has a thousand ways
-from being employed in AUP, previous internet business (acquired by aup), van rentals, software projects, donations

What is the name of your ministry?
-haven't thought of that yet

Who are the people in your ministry?
-anyone with the same mission, i help almost anyone i can

Which preachers do you like the most?
-David Gates, Mark Finley, Ed Reid, Doug Batchelor, all of gyc, all of audioverse, all all all to be fair :)
-more Bible verses, more SOP, more testimonies(that cohere with Bible & SOP), the better

How do you replicate the DVDs?
-multiple dvd writers connected to a linux desktop. we've thought of a duplicator-controller but it's better to buy blank dvds with that amount.

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