
Showing posts from July, 2004

Life This Semester

It's amusing how God gives things that we ask. I asked for accelerated experience, for good friends, for a lot of work, for maximum usefullnes in His work. And here is my life this semester: Thesis writing (masters) 18 units teaching Computer Science major subjects Project Leader & Chief Engineer of AUP Accounting System Recomputerization Project System Admin of aolis providing "presence" and driving support to many of my friends dreams, ambitions, needs, and enjoyment With this crazy schedule the deal is if God enables me to do all these then i will be able to do it . Simple. [Dec 20, 2004 Update: the above is a very optimistic schedule. It will need more time to finish. Another slid schedule.]

Remembering Life As A Software Engineer

When we were young [20-22] we used to be programmers, designers, testers, etc. of the Adventist University Online Information System.  The project aimed to computerize the enrollment processes of, at least, college students. It was a bootcamp project.  In the most intense days we would work from 7am to 5am (22 hours).  We averaged working about 15 hours a day for about two of the eleven months in the project.  The project motivated us, it was in our hearts, and our hearts were on the project.  It was our project.

The Essence of Work

The essence of work is to be occupied. To be occupied is not to be idle. Because an idle mind is the workhouse of the Devil. The essence of work in education is to make people better than who they currently are. The essence of technical work is to make things easier to do, saving time, saving effort. If you can continously innovate you will never run out of work. Improve! Make things better!

Economic Tests

Which is more difficult to pass? The test of poverty or the test of wealth?

The Many Strings of Life

Life is composed of many strings. Strings that are supposed to be pulled on from time to time. These strings pull away from us when we don't tug on them frequently and powerfully enough. Some people have few strings, and they get to master how to pull those strings. Other people maintain many strings but don't master any of them. Some can master a bunch full, others can master none, others can master some, and others can master all.

Help Me

Our Father in Heaven Help me to be as honest as Joseph to be as faithful as Abraham to be as loyal as Jonathan to be as wise as Solomon to be as near to your heart as David to walk with you like Enoch did to defend your message like Paul to be as thankful as Mary Magdalene

Thank You

Our Father in Heaven Thank you for life Thank you for having parents Thank you for giving them even though i couldn't exist to ask for them yet Thank you for making it so i landed on a big pillow from the second deck bed at 3 months old while asleep Thank you for sending lady (who was cutting classes) to rescue me from drowning in the 6-foot fishpond when i was 3 Thank you for the opportunity to grow for the opportunity to let others grow for the opportunity to teach for the opportunity to be taught for the chance to love and the chanee to be loved for the chance to eat and the chance be feed others for being able to laugh and for being able to make others laugh for being able to see and for being able to show others for being able to talk and for the opportunity to be heard for being able to help and for the opportunity to help others for being able to correct and for being corrected by others for the chance to sing and the change to listen to...

The Universe Stores Its Own History

When lighting strikes 1 kilometer away, thunder is heard about 3 seconds after. That's because the speed of sound at sea level is 340.29 m/s. The sound is late. The sound is already history. To hear what was said a year ago you have to be 10,415,324 kilometers away from the place of conversation given the sound is not absorbed nor weakened by distance. Light (and other nearby oscillations unobservable by the human eye) travels at 299,792,458 meters / second. If you have a very powerful telescope (like Hubble) you would be able to see light years away. Where light year is one year's worth of travel at the speed of light. So if you were looking at a star one lightyear away, you're looking at how it was one year ago. If you could see 6000 light years far, you would almost see creation of the universe! Therefore all unhidden optical information of the universe are archived and continuously traveling outward in space. You could retrieve them by traveling faster th...

Emotion and Logic

Emotion is Latent Logic We feel what we have thought of. Things of the past dictate how new ideas impress upon us. We accept things because of either logic or emotion, or both. Emotion is of the heart. Logic is of the intelligence. Both are from the mind. One is learned, the other is current. Which is more powerful? Emotion or Logic? Emotion is more intense. But emotion is just a mountain of previous logic(s). Logic, logic, and more logic will overthrow an emotional position given "enough time". Where "enough time" depends on the difference of the new position and the previous position.