Biblical way to understand Biblical contradictions
if you read enough you will really find seemingly contradictory statements. it is like having a right hand and a left hand, opposite of each other. however, if you just read just some more, ideally everything, seeing the whole picture, the seeming contradiction will be resolved. yes, even w/o all the theological *gesis stuff. and most amazingly, the process of resolving seeming contradictions in EGW writings is the same process of resolving seeming contradictions in the Bible. if you google for "biblical contradictions" you will find a lot of pages dedicated to that. a lot. most of them from atheists. does that mean they are correct? no, that just means they don't understand. not understanding calculus doesn't mean calculus is wrong. hehe. nobody claims to understand everything. so the process of resolving seeming contradictions is: 1) read everything ("all scripture" 2 Tim 3:16) diligence (Prov 31:5 "The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plente...