
Showing posts from September, 2015

CST 2015 Spiritual Development Suggestions

Evangelism DVD / PPT (english and tagalog ASI New Beginnings 2014 version) for every teacher. Mat 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. budget? just download from aolis or Bible & EGW Quotes in all CST classroom walls and hallway walls. Deu 6:7,9 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 9And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates ." metal sheet (+20 years durable like COB's quotations; -difficult to make nice) tarp (+easy to make nice; -fades w/in a year) use drill and screws to avoid cracks on cement faculty to suggest ...

Must The Whole World Hear?

Abstract: Yes. But we don't know the resolution / density / concentration. Fulltext: The great commission in Matthew 28 says "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost", also in Mark 16:15 it says "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature ." The scaling question would be: all the continents? all the countries? all the timezones? all the provinces? all the cities / towns? all the barangays? all the streets? all the homes? all the rooms? all the individuals? all the square feet of in the rooms? all the square inches of the world? all the molecules of the earth? all the atoms of the earth? Note that all of these are part of "nations" and all are part of "every creature".  Yes God saves individuals but remember "all nations" is lower resolution and "every creature" is higher resolution. So if we don'...

Is Jesus coming on 2031?

Abstract:   As Adventists, we cannot say that Jesus is coming on 2031 because Ellen G. White says: 1) " there would be no  definite time in the message given of God since 1844" { 2SM 73.1 }; 2) " God gives no man a message that it will be five years or ten years or twenty years before this earth’s history shall close" { RH-11-27-1900 }. The main reference is Last Day Events chapter 3 "When shall these things be?" .  Regarding the idea that "definite time" in  {LDE 36.2} constrasted to the "year", EGW refers to 1844 also as a "time" in the same paragraph, therefore time and year are same to her.  Furthermore, while it is safe to say that " six thousand years " is Satan's time to prove his point, and that the next  millennium  will be in heaven, and that there are four thousand years between sin and the cross , and that the cross was at 31 A.D , we can only say things that she wrote, and we cannot say things tha...

ezcap286 SDI / HDMI mp4 recorder (easycap 286 ez cap) review

Update 2016 Feb 15: it only captures at 15fps. sometimes it confuses the filenames or stores the same video on different files. Update 2015 Sept 22 : they asked me to remove some components, sent me new firmware different md5 from the last one. it seems to work now at least for the 4 times i tried. i also reported the ticks in the hdmi out. they told me to check for shorts or bad on the pins from the chip to the hdmi connector! (i'm not confident enough to do that, these are very small SMDs) recorded 4 hours continuously OK. the recorder split the file into 2.1gb each. Original article below: Caution: this device currently DOES NOT RECORD AUDIO as promised. we are still waiting for easycap to update the firmware to something that works as advertised. i bought mine for less than $200. very cheap. connected it to ATEM TVS SDI program out, also tried HDMI input. it can record VIDEO ONLY on sdcard, harddisk, and usb. during recording, the audio from the HDMI out will have ...