
Showing posts from February, 2014

Feeling Down? Feeling Hopeless? Depressed? Stressed?

try to think of something else that doesn't have to do with yourself "As soon as one begins to contemplate his feelings, he is on dangerous ground. If he feels joyous, he is confident he is in a favorable condition, but when a change comes, as it will, for circumstances will be so arranged that feelings of depression will make the heart sad, then he will be naturally led to doubt that God has accepted him. It is not wisdom to look at the emotions, and try to test your spirituality by your feelings . Do not study yourself ; look away from self to Jesus." watch good movies Life is Beautiful Gospel of John "There are many who are not satisfied to serve God cheerfully in the place that He has marked out for them or to do uncomplainingly the work that He has placed in their hands. It is right for us to be dissatisfied with the way in which we perform duty, but we are not to be dissa...

The Mistake of Women Ordination

Outline caution women prophets in the Bible no women priests in the Bible logic table of sample adventist beliefs, women ordination, and Isa 8:20 (if not "according to this Word", no light) concept, promise, and process of pure church (all doctrines and practices according to the Bible) threat to purity of church instance and results of unprescribed ordination in the Bible other instances of unprescribed (but not explicitly prohibited) practices in the Bible instances and results of unprescribed practices wrought by influential people in the Seventh-day Adventist Chujrch History (burning of battlecreek sanitarium, also burning of review and herald) difference of ordination and teaching difference of ordination and gospel ministry difference of ordination and witnessing what does EGW say about women ordination? what is God's will about women ordination? possible motivations for women ordination possible warnings possible effects to members other refere...

what did egw (ellen g. white) say about women ordination?

"Sister White, personally, was very careful about expressing herself in any wise as to the advisability of ordaining women as gospel ministers. She has often spoken of the perils that such general practice would expose the church to by a gainsaying world; but as yet I have never seen from her pen any statement that would seem to encourage the formal and official ordination of women to the gospel ministry, to public labor such as is ordinarily expected of an ordained minister."{DG 255.2}

did egw (ellen g. white) support women ordination?

did egw support women ordination? NO.  She said it was "perilous". "Sister White, personally, was very careful about expressing herself in any wise as to the advisability of ordaining women as gospel ministers. She has often spoken of the perils that such general practice would expose the church to by a gainsaying world; but as yet I have never seen from her pen any statement that would seem to encourage the formal and official ordination of women to the gospel ministry, to public labor such as is ordinarily expected of an ordained minister."{DG 255.2}

Women Ordination Dangers / Implications / Threats / "Perils" (EGW)

Outline caution women prophets in the Bible no women priests in the Bible logic table of sample adventist beliefs, women ordination, and Isa 8:20 (if not "according to this Word", no light) concept, promise, and process of pure church (all doctrines and practices according to the Bible) threat to purity of church instance and results of unprescribed ordination in the Bible other instances of unprescribed (but not explicitly prohibited) practices in the Bible instances and results of unprescribed practices wrought by influential people in the Seventh-day Adventist Chujrch History (burning of battlecreek sanitarium, also burning of review and herald) difference of ordination and teaching difference of ordination and gospel ministry difference of ordination and witnessing what does EGW say about women ordination? what is God's will about women ordination? possible motivations for women ordination possible warnings possible effects to members other refere...

Women Ordination Dangers / Implications / Threats

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