
Showing posts from August, 2013

EMI / RF / Shielding Experiments with aluminum screen wire mesh and galvanized steel box

Problem : video switch (ATEM Television Studio failed probably due to rf/emi). hypothesized solution : shield all cables and whole device. findings on cables: all hdmi cables are shielded. i opened all cables from camera manufacturers (panasonic) and also all cables from CDR-King, they all have shields.  some of them also have shields in individual cables, aside from the main foil shielding all cables.  some of them, the long cables, have aluminum shield inside and mesh shield outside. all power cables are not shielded.  including 12v cables, 220v cables, 5v cables. UTP is of course Unshielded.  STP is shielded. need to check USB cables if shielded. (it is shielded) experiment 1 - metal sheet box shield VS wifi: half day of metalwork - not so nice first third is outside metal shield center part is inside shield last third is outside shield experiment 2 - aluminum screen 1 layer VS wifi: aluminum screen rolled (1 layer only) over cellpho...

Gospel in Programming: the way (algorithm), the truth (data), and the life (electricity)

John 14:6 Jesus says "i am the way, the truth, and the life". way - program, algorithm, circuits, etc... truth - data, database, variables, constants, truth tables, etc... life - electricity, running program (process)

Gospel in Computer Science: freedom of choice and hope

the freedom of choice is one of the most difficult to understand to compare to AI. it is like a random function (random in the sense that it is hard to explain) that depends to thousands of variables including previous decisions, genetics, environmental influences, food, age, experiences, PRIDE (lucifer's basis problem), believing half-truth (eve's problem), relationships (or prioritizing relationships over truth, adam's problem), etc... so we are all stuck with a big problem which is SIN. and the ultimate problem w/c sin causes is DEATH. now there is no other known way to come back to life but by God's power.

Computer, Man, God

Computer_Man_God Introduction A computer student, me views the world through the window of computers. (There are many other better views of life.) Birth: When a baby is born, there are builtin functions that he can do. When a computer is brand-new, it has a BIOS (basic input output system). The baby learns through his senses. The computer is enabled to do tasks by teaching it (programming we call it). The baby can sleep & wake up. Computers can be shutdown & be turned on. When humans wake up, it takes time for them to be workable. Computers have a booting(1) process. Our awareness of computer's operations is incomparable to the computer's awareness of our operations. God knows about us more than we know about him.The computer, our creation, is dependent on us. However, we may, at times, make a computer intelligent enough to control itself for some time. However, it will need software updates due to our errors & our development against our errors....

HAARP Conspiracy Theory True? last two paragraphs of the article: ----------------- Ask a HAARP scientist about allegations like this, and he’ll either laugh or lose his temper. “This is completely uninformed,” says Umran Inan, a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University whose research group works with HAARP. “There’s absolutely nothing we can do to disturb the Earth’s [weather] systems. Even though the power HAARP radiates is very large, it’s minuscule compared with the power of a lightning flash—and there are 50 to 100 lightning flashes every second. HAARP’s intensity is very small.” “You hear these people talking about mind control, and it’s just not serious,” Papadopoulos says. So we don’t need tinfoil hats to prevent evil government scientists from controlling our every thought? “We have difficulty measuring the signal. We do experiments all the time up there, and we don’t wear hats.” http...