
Showing posts from January, 2025

salvation and vegetarianism in bible and egw

Chapter 1—Reasons for Reform For the Glory of God 1. Only one lease of life is granted us; and the inquiry with every one should be, “How can I invest my powers so that they may yield the greatest profit? How can I do most for the glory of God and the benefit of my fellow men?” For life is valuable only as it is used for the attainment of these ends.  {CD 15.1} Our first duty toward God and our fellow beings is that of self-development. Every faculty with which the Creator has endowed us should be cultivated to the highest degree of perfection, that we may be able to do the greatest amount of good of which we are capable. Hence that time is spent to good account which is used in the establishment and preservation of physical and mental health. We cannot afford to dwarf or cripple any function of body or mind. As surely as we do this, we must suffer the consequences.  {CD 15.2} Choice of Life or Death Every man has the opportunity, to a great extent, of making himself whatever ...