
Showing posts from December, 2023

Death Dying Cost Reduction Possibilities

1. Immediate burial (skip embalming, skip viewing, skip cremation) 2. Government assistance. DSWD    3. Borrow casket from local church Someone donated caskets to our local church to help the poor. They can be rented from funeral houses. 4. Public cemetery 5. (almost) Free venue for viewing (church) 6. like Jesus 7. Ellen G. White says avoid funeral extravagance 8. ChatGPT says: Reducing burial and funeral expenses can be a s...

Artificial Intelligence and God

There is a Creator. ChatGPT is a creature/creation created by humans.  Humans are creation by God. There is a Creator. AI didn't exist by itself over billions of years. Our brains capacity are like laptops & desktops w/c we carry around compared to the supercomputer of OpenAI, Meta, Google, etc.... God is the supercomputer we connect/pray to. Coz our smaller computers have limits. God is the Super Intelligence. [my laptop has 4 cpu cores and 768 gpu cores. openai has 285,000 cpu cores and 160million gpu cores (10k gpus of 16k cores each)] Human brain has 86 billion neurons. Continuous lifelong training. 100 billion neurons at birth. What you expose yourself to trains you. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" Psalm 101:3. "by beholding we become changed into the same image” 2 Corinthians 3:18 AI models have different strengths. Humans have different talents. Training starts at birth/conception. All sensory inputs are ingested as data. ChatGPT trained only...

tips how to avoid washing dishes on Sabbath

tips how to avoid washing dishes on Sabbath 1. buy more plates. plastic plates are cheap 2. use banana leaves instead of normal plates 3. use disposable plastic to wrap plates 4. use paper plates 5. if avoiding cockroaches, soak used plates in soap water 6. don't finish food in your plate and keep the remainder in refrigerator on the same plate to be reheated next mealtime "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  10 But the seventh day  is  the sabbath of the LORD thy God:  in it  thou shalt not do any work" Exodus 20:9 Sabbath   Dishes .--We would charge all not to wash their  dishes  on the  Sabbath  if this can possibly be avoided. God is dishonored by any unnecessary work done on His holy day. It is not inconsistent, but proper, that the  dishes  should be left unwashed till the close of the  Sabbath , if this can be managed.--Letter 104, 1901. { 3SM 258.4 }