
Showing posts from 2021

Parties, Socials

There are amusements, such as dancing, card playing, chess, checkers, etc ., which we cannot approve, because Heaven condemns them. These amusements open the door for great evil. They are not beneficial in their tendency, but have an exciting influence, producing in some minds a passion for those plays which lead to gambling and dissipation . All such plays should be condemned by Christians, and something perfectly harmless should be substituted in their place. {CT 346.1} We should not seek to imitate Sunday schools, nor keep up the interest by offering prizes . The offering of rewards will create rivalry, envy, and jealousy ; and some who are the most diligent and worthy will receive little credit. {CSW 182} While we shun the false and artificial, discarding horse racing, card playing, lotteries, prize fights , liquor drinking, and tobacco using, we must supply sources of pleasure that are pure and noble and elevating.  {AH 499.1}

Jesus and My Health

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat . 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat : ...

Media Ministry Baptism

Kapitulo-Bersikulo 2013-2016 testimonies (100-200/year). Which episodes/message made you decide for baptism? ~70% Sabbath ~20% clean/unclean food ~10% true church PIC Sabbath School lesson "i want to be baptized" comment in youtube just w/in an hour & 5mins of uploading. topic? sabbath cooking Why do the most risky truths seem to get more baptismal decisions? The  law of the LORD is perfect,  converting   the soul : the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7 John 16:8 And when He has come, He [Holy Spirit] will convict the world of sin , and of righteousness, and of judgment" What are the people looking for? "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." John 12:32 What makes us repent? "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the  goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance ?" Romans 2:4 Cautions The Seventy-Two Return with Joy  Luke 10:17A...

Bible and Creation

  Bible and Creation Isa 8:20 According - Safety  “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” The Scriptures a Safeguard {GC 594} God's Word is so powerful. It create's life. It is life. (Gen 1-2) Our loyalty should be to the most powerful side -- God's Word. “ By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” Psalm 33:6 If we die, God's Word can resurrect us like Lazarus.  “ Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!”” (John 11:43-44 NLT) Nothing (convenience/politics/money) and nobody else can resurrect us. So only God's Word deserves our loyalty. 33,102 verses in KJV “One sentence of Scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man's ideas or arguments”. --7T 71 The pharisees believe...

What equipment do i recommend for media ministry in 2021?

(me at PIC) What equipment do I recommend for media ministry in 2021? It depends: what you want to do; how much you want to spend; how much equipment you want to carry around & setup & takedown; Cameras Section I divide them in different levels/uses: cellphone users examples Sandra Enterman  (26k followers) iphone/ipad only Doc Willie Ong  (6.5M subscribers) iphone and wired lapel advantages easy to carry can be high quality camera disadvantages limited/no optical zoom cellphones last 2-3years cellphones used for other things webcam users examples BibleFlockBox (549k subscribers) Logitech Brio (php8k-13k) c920 (php3k-4k) advantages cheap durable disadvantages no optical zoom small camera users advantages only php 5k-7k each camera parfocal great zoom range good enough quality for mobile phone viewers portable disadvantages lower quality, many small cameras cannot adjust saturation levels not so sharp image when viewed in full screen in laptop/desktop mirrorless users ...

SDA Philosophy of Sports

 0 - 48 of 48 results in 0.16 secs topical index search Extreme, Extremes, shun: in amusements  FE 378 ;  1T 565 , in  sports   FE 378  |   (0 Likes)   126.06pts Child, Children, Ought not to be, allowed to: go and come when they please  FE 63 , go into streets after night for  sports  or amusement  FE 63  |   (0 Likes)   126.06pts Sport,  Sports , rude and unmanly, many schools and colleges disgraced by  FE 72 , youth finding no legitimate scope for their pent-up energies after school hours are led to engage in  FE 72  |   (0 Likes)   84.04pts Game, Games, Miscellaneous,  sports  and  AH 498-505  |   (0 Likes)   63.03pts Athletic games ( sports ), Olympic, ancient  CD 27-8 ;  4T 33-4 ;  5T 552 ;  Te 144-5  |   (0 Likes)   63.03pts Athletic games ( sports ), in schools, objections to  Ed 21...