If babies die, will they be saved or not?
from http://text.egwwritings.org/publication.php?pubtype=Book&bookCode=LDE&lang=en&pagenumber=293 The Salvation of Infants and Imbeciles As the little infants come forth immortal from their dusty beds, they immediately wing their way to their mother's arms. They meet again nevermore to part. But many of the little ones have no mother there. We listen in vain for the rapturous song of triumph from the mother. The angels receive the motherless infants and conduct them to the tree of life.— Selected Messages 2:260 (1858) . Some questioned whether the little children of even believing parents should be saved, because they have had no test of character and all must be tested and their character determined by trial. The question is asked, “How can little children have this test and trial?” I answer that the faith of the believing parents covers the children, as when God sent His judgments upon the first-born of the Egyptians.... Whether all the children of unbeliev...