How I Overcame / Forgot Asthma, Pneumonia, Flu, and Colds, And Saved Lots Of Money
Summary Get rid of all (processed) sugar for at least two weeks. Background I am a thin and tall guy who grew up in a cold mountain and has been troubled by asthma, pneumonia, flu, and colds regularly. The flu and colds also trouble other people so that is not so special, except that the cold was sure to last a week if I drink more than one cup of softdrinks. The asthma comes when I don't sleep well or just after having colds or flu, or when the weather is cold, or too hot, or when the environment is dusty. We didn't seem to find the reason for the asthma. The pneumonia came when I forget to use a blanket at night after a chest congestion from cold. I learned how to deal with pneumonia by 1)staying warm, 2)forcing my breath out but not actually letting it out. These ailments were troubling me since elementary thru college and even after. Even after I became vegetarian for a few years the threats were still lurking. Discovery I heard that some f...