
Showing posts from October, 2016

Things EGW says Teachers/Pastors/Laymen/Scholars Should not Contradict/Reduce/Weaken/Question

1. Sanctuary doctrine 2. Health message 3. Sabbath ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Sanctuary doctrine These false prophets will have to be met. They will make an effort to deceive many, by leading them to accept false theories. Many scriptures will be misapplied in such a way that deceptive theories will apparently be based upon the words that God has spoken. Precious truth will be appropriated to substantiate and establish error. These false prophets, who claim to be taught of God, will take beautiful scriptures that have been given to adorn the truth, and will use them as a robe of righteousness to cover false and dangerous theories. And even some of those who, in times past, the Lord has honored, will depart so far from the truth as to advocate misleading theories regarding many phases of truth, including the sanctuary question.— Manuscript 11, 1906 .  {Ev 360.2} 2. Health message Beware how you place yourself in opposition to the work...