100+ Reasons Not To Use Drums specially Bible believing Seventh-day Adventists who have the advantage of believing the Spirit of Prophecy / Ellen G. White Writings SOP has no positive encouragement about it Drum, Drums demonstrations using, before the close of probation Mar 234:1 fanatics used 2SM 36 Logic tables {1 = True; 0 = False}: image from http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150228857151522.350981.600051521&type=3 drums are not timbrels, timbrels are not [equivalent to] drums proof 1 - SOP is positive about timbrels but negative about drums timbrels are positive in SOP, drums are negative, therefore, drums and timbrels shouldn't be treated in one group. we can't say drums are ok just because timbrels are ok, SOP cannot affirm that position because SOP is positive with timbrels and negative with drums. from EGW Comprehensive Index ------------------ Timbrels, Israelites us...
Showing posts from May, 2012